短句翻译训练1 这部电影显然不适合青少年。(suitable)2 依我看,你自己应该为这次实验的失败负责。(blame)3 你认识那位坐在校长旁边的女士吗?(seat)4 结果证实这次工作比我[db:cate]


1. 这部电影显然不适合青少年。(suitable)

2. 依我看,你自己应该为这次实验的失败负责。(blame)

3. 你认识那位坐在校长旁边的女士吗?(seat)

4. 结果证实这次工作比我们原来想的更困难。(prove to be)

5. 听到他受伤的消息,我们很惊讶。(surprised)

6. 全体学生都赞同在教室里举办晚会。(in favor of)

7. 请尽早答复我的信件。(reply)

8. 他讲得太快,我听不明白他在讲什么。(too…to)

9. 尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划。(in spite of)

10. 最使我惊讶的并不是他的成功,而是他的勤奋。(not…but)

11. 这部有关战争的影片值得一看。(worth)

12. 我感觉我们无法在三小时内到达那里。(it)

13. 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议。(Thank …)

14. 只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务。(unless)

15. 我会很快习惯这儿的天气的。(used)

16. 你方便下周就开始工作吗?(…it…)

17. 吃早饭时把报纸大略地翻阅一下已经成为他的习惯。(scan)

18. 让我最感迷惑的是他如何能徒步走这么远。(what…)

19. 我们热切地期盼着你的好消息。(eager)

20. 父亲正在和客人谈话,请把收音机关小点。(turn)

21. 对初学者来说,学会用英语思维很难。(It …)

22. 吃太多的糖会使你吃饭时没有胃口。(spoil)

23. 电影院里不许抽烟。(allow)

24. 奥运会每四年举行一次。(hold)

25. 他上周病了,没去上学。(because of)

26. 今天天气很凉快,不必开空调。(need)

27. 突如其来的大雨使他无法及时赶到目的地。(keep)

28. 我们必须尽快将那项新计划付诸实践。(put … into practice)

29. 由于工作过多,学生被剥夺了业余时间。(deprive …of)

30. 人们依赖电脑解决各种各样的问题。(rely on)

31. 我向你保证我会尽力说服他戒烟。(assure)

32. 他们在工作中非常注意理论联系实际。(pay attention to)

33. 除了警察,所有的人不许进入这幢楼。(except)

34. 他突然想起已经有一个多月没给母亲打电话了。(occur to)

35. 他要去迪士尼乐园的梦想终于实现了。(Disneyland, come)

36. 只有经过仔细观察你才能得出结论。(Only)

37. 读报时,你没必要每个生词都查字典。(need)

38. 据说北京奥运会的票价很合理。(Olympics)

39. 你还与玛丽保持联系吗?(touch)

40. 孩子的性格受家庭环境的影响极大。(influence)

41. 广泛阅读是扩大词汇量的有效途径之一。(enlarge)

42. 大多数医生认为人的健康与饮食密切相关。(related)

43. 与他的同事相比,他更适合担任这个职务。(compare)

44. 不遵守交通规则的人迟早会受到惩罚。(fail)

45. 他太年轻,不适合担任这个职务。(too … to)

46. 长时间看电视对眼睛有害。(harm)

47. 我们是两年前初次相识的,自那以后我们就成了好朋友。(since)

48. 做决定前你一定要三思,否则你会后悔的。(or)

49. 每天照料两个孩子使她感觉筋疲力尽。(care)

50. 一旦养成坏习惯,就很难把它改掉。(once)

51. 因为价格太高,我们买不起这个套间。(afford)

52. 飓风来得太突然,人们对词毫无准备。(so … that)

53. 人们越来越依赖计算机解决各种各样的问题。(depend)

54. 就语言学习而言,我们没有捷径可走。(follow)

55. 我碰巧读过今天课上Smith教授提到的那本书。(happen)

56. 一般来说,词汇量越大,表达时就越流畅。(the more … the more)

57. 这次考试失败对他的打击是不言而喻的。(obvious)

58. 中学生是否应该穿校服是一个饶有兴趣的话题。(It …)

59. 这个地方地震频繁,人们对词已习以为常的。(occur)

60. 英文初学者犯这样的错误是很正常的。(natural)

61. 黄浦江上已建成了五座风格不同的大桥。(build)

62. 我们希望能尽早完老师交给我们的任务。(assign)

63. 不懂规则你几乎无法欣赏这种比赛。(Hardly)

64. 如果你仔细检查的话,绝大部分拼写错是可以避免的。(avoid)

65. 他在医学上的成就是有目共睹的。(achievement)

66. 现代教育能使学生具有新的观念。(enable)

67. 我觉得这个新项目会值得你努力的。(worthy)

68. 这张告示已吸引了所有人的注意。(attention)

69. 面对危险时必须保持冷静。(face)

70. 每个人都应学会面带微笑,乐于助人。(wear)

71. 众所周知,温故而知新。(As)

72. 地球的确是人类和动物的共同家园。(a home for)

73. 收集钱币使我受益匪浅。(benefit)

74. 显而易见,自信的人更有可能取得成功。(likely)

75. 步行上班,你不仅锻炼了身体,而且保护了环境。(by)

76. 我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛作准备。(be busy)

77. 我们必须养成早睡早起的好习惯。(habit)

78. 有些年轻人认为衣服越贵越时尚。(the more… the more)

79. 我从来不知道这个城市会那么美丽。(Never …)

80. 因为下于,我们不得不推迟野餐。(put off)

81. 他们逐渐认识到患难朋友才是真朋友。(come)

82. 我从未梦想过自己在剧中扮演一个角色。(dream of)

83. 请你就此事发表你的评论。(comment)

84. 我们学校规定学生不可将手机带进校园。(make it a rule)

85. 他终于意识到学习是无止境的。(no end …)

86. 他总是全力以赴面对挑战,这使大家印象深刻。(challenge, impress)

87. 我从未在任何地方看到过这种水果。(Nowhere else)

88. 如果你年轻时不努力,那么你将一事无成。(achieve)

89. 应该采取措施来组织他们为所欲为。(whatever)

90. 结果证实这项工作比我们原来想得更困难。(prove)

91. 大火过后,这所房子所剩无几。(remain)

92. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论。(before)

93. 多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素。(lack, v.)

94. 昨天,他上学又迟到了。(late)

95. 超市里购物袋用完了,可以准备新的了。(use up)

96. 这个国家的人每时每刻都可喝到新鲜牛奶。(available)

97. 那是一个我们每个人都必须特别关注的问题。(attention)

98. 过了许多年他才找到了自己丢失的孩子。(before)

99. 作为访问学者,他们想更多地了解所在国的习俗。(as )

100. 人们只有在生病时才意识到健康的重要。(Only …)

101. 哪里有水,哪里就有生命。(where)

102. 我恐怕他们淋到大雨了。(catch)


1. It is obvious that this film is not suitable for teenagers.

2. In my opinion, you yourself are to blame for the failure in the experiment.

3. Do you know the lady seated next to the school principal?

4. The work proved to be more difficult than we had thought.

5. We were much surprised to hear (the news) that he had been injured.

6. All the students are in favor of having the party in the classroom.

7. Please reply to my letter as soon as possible.

8. He spoke too fast for me to understand what he was saying/talking about.

9. In spite of all the difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.

10. It was not his success but his diligence that surprised me most.

11. The film about the war is worth seeing.

12. I find it impossible for us to arrive there within 3 hours.

13. Thank you for providing us with so many practical suggestions.

14. We won’t be able to finish the task on time unless we try our best.

15. I will soon be used to the weather here.

16. Will it be convenient for you to start work next week?

17. Scanning the newspaper during the breakfast has become his habit.

18. What puzzles me most is how he could cover such a long distance on foot.

19. We are eager to get good news from you.

20. Father is talking with a visitor, so turn down the radio, please.

21. It’s difficult for beginners to learn to think in English.

22. Eating too many sweets/candies will spoil your appetite at dinner.

23. Smoking is not allowed in the cinema.

24. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

25. He was absent from school because of his illness last week.

26. It’s cool today, so there’s no need to turn on the air-conditioner.

27. The unexpected heavy rain kept him from getting to the destination in time.

28. we must put the new plan into practice as soon as possible.

29. Because of too much homework, the students are deprived of their leisure hours/spare time.

30. People rely on computers to solve/work out/settle all kinds of problems.

31. I assure you that I will try my best to persuade him to give up/stop smoking.

32. In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice.

33. No people, except the policemen, can enter the building.

34. It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t called her mother for more than a month.

35. His dream of going to Disneyland finally came true.

36. Only through careful observation can you make a conclusion.

37. There is no need for you to look up every new word in the dictionary while reading a newspaper.

38. It is said that the prices of tickets for Beijing Olympics are quite reasonable.

39. Are you still in touch with Mary?

Do you still keep in touch with Mary?

40. A child’s personality is greatly/strongly/largely influenced by his/her family environment.

41. Reading widely is one of the best ways to enlarge one’s vocabulary.

42. Most doctors agree that people’s health is closely related to diet.

43. Compared with his colleagues, he is more capable of the job.

44. Those who fail to observe the traffic regulations will be punished sooner or later.

45. He is too young to hold the position.

46. Watching too much TV does harm to your eyes.

47. We first net two years ago, and have been good friends since then.

48. You have to be very careful before you make the decision, or you will feel regretted.

49. Taking care of two children daily makes him feel extremely tired.

50. Once you form a bad habit, you will find it difficult to get rid of it.

51. We couldn’t afford the flat because the price was too high.

52. The hurricane broke out so unexpectedly that people didn’t get any preparation for it.

53. People depend more and more on computers to solve problems of various kinds.

54. As far as language learning is concerned, we have no shortcut to follow.

55. I happened to have read the book (that) professor Smith mentioned in today’s lesson.

56. Generally speaking, the larger vocabulary you have/command, the more fluently you express yourself.

57. It is obvious that his failure in the examination greatly discouraged him.

58. It is a very interesting topic whether high school students should wear school uniforms.

59. Earthquakes occur here frequently and people in this area have got used to it.

60. It’s quite natural for English beginners to make such a mistake.

61. Five bridges in different styles have been built over the Huangpu River.

62. We hope we will finish the task our teacher assigned us a soon as possible.

63. Hardly can you appreciate the match if you fail to understand the rules.

64. If you had checked it more carefully, most of the spelling mistakes could have been avoided.

65. His achievement in medicine can be seen by everyone.

66. Modern education will enable students to have new ideas.

67. I think the new project will be worthy of your efforts.

68. The notice has caught the attention of all the people.

69. In face of danger/Facing danger/When facing danger, one/you/we must keep calm.

70. Everyone should learn to wear a smile and be ready to help others.

71. As is well known to us all, going over/reviewing the past helps one to understand the present.

72. The earth is indeed a common home for both man and animals.

73. Collecting coins has greatly benefited me.

74. It is obvious that confident people are more likely to achieve success.

75. By walking to work, you not only get to exercise but also protect the environment.

76. We are busy making preparations for the singing competition to be held next month.

77. We must form the habit of early to bed and early to rise.

78. Some young people think that the more expensive the dress is, the more fashionable it will be.

79. Never did I know/realize(have I known) this city would be/was so beautiful.

80. We had to put off the picnic because of/due to a heavy rain.

81. They have come to realize that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

82. I have never dreamed of playing a part in the play.

83. Please give your comment on this matter.

84. Our school makes it a rule that students mustn’t bring their mobile phones to campus.

85. He has come to realize that there is no end to study.

86. He is always trying his best to face challenges, which deeply impresses everyone.

87. Nowhere else have I seen this kind of fruit.

88. If you don’t work/study hard when you are young, you will achieve nothing (in your life).

89. Measures/Actions should be taken to prevent them from doing whatever they like.

90. The work proved to be more difficult than we had thought/expected.

91. Almost nothing/Little remained of the house after the big fire.

92. We will have a further discussion before drawing the final conclusion.

93. Eat more fruit, and (then) you needn’t be worried/needn’t worry about lacing vitamins.

94. He was late again for school yesterday.

95. Shopping bags in the supermarkets are used up and new ones can be prepared.

96. Fresh milk is available to the people in this country at any moment.

97. That is a problem (which) all of us must pay special attention to.

98. It was many years before he found his lost child.

99. As visiting scholars, they want/expect to know more about the country where they stay.

100. Only when people are sick are they aware of/do they realize the importance of health.

101. Where there is water, there is life.

102. I’m afraid (that) they have been caught in the rain.



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