2009 11Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Plans are well under way for a year of cele[db:cate]
catti 翻译专业资格考试|CATTI人事部翻译考试 三级笔译实务真题及答案2009.11


Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points)

Plans are well under way for a year of celebrations to mark the upcoming bicentennial of one of Poland"s favorite native sons-Frédéric, Chopin.

The prestigious International Chopin Competition for pianists will mark its 16th edition in October 2010. Held every five years, the competition draws scores of young musicians from all over the world. In addition, Warsaw"s Chopin Museum, with the world"s largest collection of Chopin documents and other artifacts, will undergo a total redesign, modernization and expansion.

A lavishly illustrated new guidebook called "Chopin"s Poland" was already published this year. It leads visitors to dozens of sites in Warsaw and elsewhere around the country where the composer lived, ate, studied, performed, visited or even partied.

"Actually, Chopin doesn"t need to be promoted, but we hope that Poland and Polish culture can be promoted through Chopin," said Monika Strugala, who is coordinating the Chopin 2010 program under the aegis of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, a body set up by the Sejm in 2001 to promote and protect Chopin"s work and image.

"We want to confirm to all that he is a very, very important Polish symbol," she said. Indeed, it"s not much of an exaggeration to say that Chopin"s music flows through the Polish national consciousness like some sort of cultural lifeblood.

The son of a Polish mother and a French émigré father, Chopin was born in a manor house at Zelazowa Wola, about 50 kilometers, or 30 miles, west of Warsaw, and moved to Warsaw as an infant.

The manor is something of a Chopin shrine-since the 1930 s it has been a museum and center for concerts. Like the Chopin Museum in Warsaw, it, too, is undergoing extensive renovation as part of bicentennial preparations.

Chopin spent his first 20 years in and around Warsaw. He was already a noted pianist as a boy and composed concertos and other important works as a teenager. He carried Polish soil with him when he left Warsaw on a concert tour in 1830, just a few weeks before the outbreak of the November Uprising, an abortive Polish revolt against Czarist Russia, which then ruled Warsaw and a broad swath of Polish territory.

Chopin remained in exile in France after the uprising was crushed. But so attached was he to his native land that after his death in Paris in 1849 his heart-on his own instructions-was brought back to Warsaw for interment. The rest of his body is buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," reads the Biblical inscription on a plaque where his heart is kept today, preserved in an urn and concealed in a pillar of the Holy Cross Church in central Warsaw. Mozart"s"Requiem" will be performed here as part of Bicentennial events.

Exile and patriotism, as well as extraordinary genius, have long made Chopin"s appeal transcend all manner of social and political divides.

Polish folk motifs thread through some of his finest pieces, and patriotic fervor, as well as homesick longing, infuse some of his best-known works.

Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points)





Section 1:英译汉参考译文


为钢琴家们举办的负有盛名的肖邦国际钢琴比赛在 2010 年十月将迎来其第 16 届赛事。这项每五年举办一届的赛事吸引了众多来自全球的年轻音乐家。此外,华沙肖邦博物馆将进行全面的重新设计,将更现代化、规模更大。该博物馆收藏有世界最全的肖邦作品集及其他文物。


莫妮卡·斯特鲁盖拉说:“实际上,肖邦的盛名并不需要我们再去传扬,但我们希望通过传扬肖邦来提升波兰和波兰文化。”她在弗雷德里克·肖邦研究所的支持下负责协调肖邦2010 项目。该研究所由波兰国会于2001 年设立,旨在传 扬和维护肖邦的作品和形象。


肖邦的母亲是波兰人,父亲则是法国移民,他出生于热拉佐瓦沃拉的庄园中,在华沙西约50公里(或30 英里),他在婴儿时就搬到了华沙。

这所庄园在某种意义上可以说是肖邦的圣地——20 世纪30 年代起它就成了一家博物馆和举办音乐会的中心。像华沙的肖邦博物馆一样,作为肖邦诞辰二百周年纪念的筹备活动,它也要扩大翻新。

肖邦在华沙及其周边生活到20岁。还是小男孩的他就已成为著名的钢琴家,并在少年时期创作多部协奏曲及其他重要作品。1830 年在一次音乐会的行程中, 他离开华沙时把波兰的土带在了身边,仅仅几周后,爆发了十一月起义。这次波兰反抗沙皇俄国的起义以失败告终,当时沙俄正统治着大片的波兰国土。





Section 2:汉译英参考译文(50 分)

The world financial crisis has brought unprecedented difficulties and challenges to China, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: economic growth is facing greater pressure; imports and exports have been on the decline; industrial production has notably slowed down; some enterprises are having a hard time in their production and business operation; and employment is becoming more and more difficult.

This crisis coincides with a crucial junction in China’s efforts to transform the growth pattern and adjust the economic structure.

To counter the impact of the world financial crisis and maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth, China has promptly adjusted its macroeconomic policies, resolutely adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and formulated a package plan to expand domestic demand and boost economic growth.

The Chinese government has implemented industrial restructuring and rejuvenation plans, vigorously promoted scientific innovation and technological upgrading, and intensified efforts on energy conservation, emission reduction and environment protection. It has further endeavored to adjust the distribution of national income, energetically expand domestic markets, especially rural markets, and significantly raise the level of social security.

These measures have already produced initial results, as shown by the current fairly strong domestic consumption, a steady rise in investment demand and overall social stability.

catti 翻译专业资格考试|CATTI人事部翻译考试 三级笔译实务真题及答案2009.11

