Its no secret that bonuses -- if they are given out at all -- are likely to be less-than-hoped-for
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It"s no secret that bonuses -- if they are given out at all -- are likely to be less-than-hoped-for this year. According to Payscale.com, a site that provides salary reports across industries, bonuses dropped an average of 33% across the hard-hit financial sector over the past two years.

But even if you received a small bonus check, you can set yourself up for a more substantial bonus when company financials are better. First off, don"t vent too much. It can feel good to commiserate with co-workers, but maintaining a positive attitude at a time when most people are disgruntled will help you stand out.

Don"t take the dollar amount you receive personally and try to take stock of the company-wide strategy as a way to sort out your disappointment. Joining a chorus of complaining won"t change things and can hurt the image your boss has of you.

"It"s career-limiting to come across as dissatisfied," says Marsha Egan, CEO of Egan Group Inc., a Reading, Pa., professional coaching firm.
宾夕法尼亚州专业指导公司Egan Group Inc.首席执行长艾根(Marsha Egan)说,给人留下不满的印象会限制你的职业发展。

If you have unanswered questions, talking with your manager about how bonuses were determined is acceptable, but be sure to take a forward-looking approach, says Ms. Egan.

Dwelling in the past is a surefire way to anger your boss, says Don Hurzeler, a retired executive with insurer Zurich North America, who handed out bonuses for more than 30 years. "When it comes to bonuses, you need to plan for the long run and not the short run," he says.
保险公司Zurich North America退休高管、从事薪酬发放30多年的赫兹勒(Don Hurzeler)说,沉溺于过去绝对会惹怒你的老板;在奖金问题上,你需要长远计划,而不是只看眼前利益。

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