Artist:Backstreet BoysSong:Nowhere To GoLooking for beauty in a certainFinding the strength inside
后街_【后街】新歌:无处可去Nowhere To Go

Artist:Backstreet Boys
Song:Nowhere To Go

Looking for beauty in a certain
Finding the strength inside a gray
Maybe you"re heading for a breakdown
And maybe that"s ok
Could be that you"re hanging on for dear life
Maybe you need to get a grip
Cause you"re the only one
That makes me feel like this
Save me I"m falling again
Keep me from
Breaking in a million pieces

In the end no matter what I do
There"s nowhere (nowhere to go)
Nowhere to go but you (yeah, yeah)
Tryin to make nothing
Out of Something
Promise myself I wouldn"t care
Maybe you"re making me a liar
Cause I"m sitting here
Finally cracking my resistance
And find a way to wear me down
I just look at you
And there"s no way out
Save me I"m falling again (yeah)
Keep me from breaking in a million pieces

In the end no matter what I do (oh no no)
There"s nowhere (nowhere to go)
Nowhere to go but
Every single road I take (it"s you)
Asleep or wide awake (it"s you)
And it"s too late for anyone to save me
I"m falling again
Keep me from breakin
in a million pieces

In the end no matter what I do
There"s no where,
no where to go
Save me I"m falling again,
falling again
Keep me from breakin
in a million pieces
In the end no matter what I do (what I do)
There"s no where, no where to go
Nowhere to go but you


2005年改头换面重新出发的《Never Gone/风云再起》缔造全球三百万张销量,间隔两年发行成熟加倍、偶像升级再进化的全新大碟《Unbreakable》,在Kevin决定单飞发展个人事业下,新好男孩首度以四人组合的面貌现身。开场曲〈Everything But Mine〉并发大量合成乐的电子气流袭击,引来科技感十足的舞韵架构;首支碎心抒情作〈Inconsolable〉,激荡出情感四溢的无穷爆发力,挟带钢琴与吉他摇滚伴随,迅速成为全美多家之声的点播冠军大热门,请到流行界王牌制作人Emanuel Kiriakou(席琳狄翁)操盘;BSB最深情的告白〈Something That I Already Know〉,延续〈Inconsolable〉的气势,再度令人无比动容;倚着抒情摇滚风格的〈Helpless When She Smiles〉,则翻唱荷兰籍偶像男歌手/演员Bastiaan Ragas之动人佳音;流窜复古Disco-Funk韵味的〈Any Other Way〉,同散射Up-Tempo的流行摇滚舞动色泽;〈Treat Me Right〉找来超级男孩主唱之一JC Chasez与AJ共通创作,电子与摇滚的精采碰撞,耐听满分的谱化出相当悦耳之动感佳作。渗入大量吉他润饰,愈趋Band Sound型态的BSB,不断朝全方位实力迈进,提升男孩偶像团体新定位。


后街_【后街】新歌:无处可去Nowhere To Go


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