ABC To Lose Lost?ABC电视台将完结《迷失》?TV show “Lost” has its producers making plans for a dignified endin

ABC To Lose "Lost"?

TV show “Lost” has its producers making plans for a dignified ending, in an attempt to not overstay the series’ welcome.

电视剧《迷失》的制片方正设计一个合理得体的结局,试图在观众生厌前结束本剧。 Citing the case of “The X-Files”, executive producer Carlton Cuse said he didn’t want “Lost” to trickle away into general disinterest. "That was a great show that probably ran two seasons too long," he explained. "That is a cautionary tale for us." 执行制片人卡尔特库斯以《X档案》为例,称他不希望《迷失》的人气慢慢流失,观众逐渐失去兴趣。他说:“这是部很棒的电视剧,只是有两季的情节显得有些多余。这个现象对我们也是种警示。” “Lost” will not end very soon though, but its producers want to set some kind of endpoint, in order to help the writers concoct a satisfactory conclusion to the mysterious adventures of the castaway heroes. 然而《迷失》不会很快结束,制片方希望本剧有个彻底的终结,这有助于编剧为这些遇难者惊奇悬疑的经历设计一个另人满意的结局。

     overstay one"s welcome:逗留[坐得] 过久而使人生厌
     cautionary: 警戒的
     castaway:被抛弃的人, 遇难者

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