Lesson 1: Greetings 打招呼英语单词:Florida n.佛罗曝达(美国的一个州)keep in touch  保持联系英语口语句型1 Hello.你好..2 Hi.嗨。3 G[db:cate]

Lesson 1: Greetings 打招呼


Florida n.佛罗曝达(美国的一个州)
keep in touch  保持联系


1. Hello.你好..
2. Hi.嗨。
3. Good morning.早上好。
4.  Good afternoon.下午好。
5. Good evening.晚上好。
6. Good night.晚上好/晚安。
7. Good day.你好。
8. How are you?你好吗?
9. I"m fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。
10. Very well, thank you.我很好,谢谢。
11. And you?你呢?
12. How are you doing?你最近怎么样?
13. How have you been?你最近好吗?
14. It"s been a long time.好久不见。
15. How is………好吗?
16. How was your day?你今天过得怎么样?
17. What"s happening?发生了什么事?
18. What"s new?最近怎么样?
19. What"s up?近来怎样?
20. I"m home!我回来了!


BillGood morning, sir.
比尔: 早上好
ManGood morning.
PauloHello, Bill. How are you today?
Bill: Fine, thanks.  Beautiful day!
PauloGood for busincss.
BillSure is
PauloSee you later.
BillOK. Paulo. See you later.
比尔: 好,回头见,保罗


PedroIt"s been a long time.
Michael: Yes, it is.
PedroHow have you been?
Michael: Much better since I spoke to you last.
PedroYou know, Michael, I"m sorry about...
Michael: You don"t have to be.
迈克尔: 不用道歉。
Pedro: Then why are you still angry? Anyway, I am sorry,
佩德罗: 那么你为什么还生气?不管怎么样,我感到很抱歉e
Michael  I am, too. I thought we were friends.
迈克尔: 我也是,我想我们是好朋友:
Pedro: We were.
佩德罗: 是的,我们是好朋友。
Michael: How is Marian?
PedroI don"t know. I haven"t seen her for almost three years.
佩德罗: 我不知道。我已经快三年没有看到她了,
MichaelDidn"t she stay with you?
迈克尔: 她没有跟你在一起吗?
Pedro: No. I saw her for a few weeks, and then she left. She went to Florida.
佩德罗: 没有,我们交往就几个星期,她就离开了。她到佛罗里达州去了。
Michael: Haven"t you kept in touch?
迈克尔: 你们没有保持联络吗?
Pedro: No. There was no reason to. I was happy to see her go.
佩德罗: 没有,没有这个必要,我很高兴她走了。
Michael: Then why did you...
迈克尔: 那么你为什么要
Pedro: Now wait a minute, Michael. I didn"t go looking for her. She came to me.
佩德罗: 慢着,迈克尔,不是我去找她的,过去是她找上门来的。

Lesson 02 Meeting People 相识


pleased a.高兴;满意
pleasure n.愉快;乐事
museumn 博物馆


21. This is…这位是……
22. I want you to meet…我介绍你认识……
23. Do you know…?你认识……吗?
24. Let me introduce…让我来介绍
25. How do you do?您好。
26. I"m very pleased to meet you.很高兴认识你
27. I"m glad to meet you.很高兴认识你口
28. It"s nice to meet you.认识你很高兴,,.
29. It"s a pleasure meeting you.很高兴见到你。

Paulo: Bill!
Bill: Hi, Paulo.
比尔嗨,保罗。    J
Paulo: Bill, this is my sister, Joanna Farias.
Bill: Very pleasedd to meet you.
Paulo: Excuse me, Bill. Your last name is...?
Bill: O"Neill.
Paulo: Bill, O"Neill.
Joanna: How do you do, Mr. O"Neill?
Bill: Call me Bill.
Woman: Excuse me, sir. Is this the Museum of Modern Art?
Paulo:  Good-bye, Bill. See you this aftemoon.
Bill:  Good-bye. A pleasure meeting you, Joanna. Now, Miss, the Museum of Modem Art is...
比尔: 再见。很高兴和你见面,乔安娜。嗯,小姐,现代艺术博物馆在

Maria: Howard,this is Paulo Farias, the new manager, and his sister, Joanna. My husband, Howard Becker.
Joanna & Howard: Nice to meet you.
Paulo: Here"s the room, 201.


按照西方礼仪,一般总是把年轻者介 绍给年长者.把地位,年资较低者介绍给地 位,年资较高者,把男子介绍给女子,以表 示对后者的礼貌和尊重:如This is…(这位 ……).在非正式场合,尤其在年轻人之 间,气氛比较随便,没有拘束,常用Do you know…?(你认识……吗?)有时互相微笑 点一下头,就算是打招呼了。在较正式的场 合,初次见面,当对方说¨How do you do? “I"m pleased to meet you时,我们只 要再重复一次回答对方就行了,非常简单。 双方是否需要握手致意则按具体情况而定. 年轻人通常会说。Hi! Nice to meet you 后再接着说:I"ve heard a lot about you (我听说过很多关于你的事)相当于我们常 说的久仰大名I"ve wanted to meet you for a long time.(我旱 就想认识你了)。如此一来,对话马上就展开。发现彼此熟悉的话题, 可以拓展谈话内容,这是会话的秘诀口能说一门流利外语的人,通常 都喜欢讲话,也善于昕别人讲话.那些很容易和人聊起来的社交高手 部具备这种特质.在道别的时候,不妨这么说t lt was nice meeting you 认识你很荣幸)。此处的be动词是用过去式was,所以可以知道 彼此的谈话到此结束。

Lesson 03: Farewell 告别

30. See you.再见。
31. Good-bye.再见。
32. Good day.日安/再见。
33. Good night.晚安。


Paulo: Hello, Bill.
保罗: 比尔,你好。
Bill: Hi, Paulo. How are you?
比尔: 嗨,保罗,你好吗?
Paulo: Fine, thanks. Bill, this is my motber, Mrs. Farias. Mother, Bill O"Neill.
保罗: 很好,谢谢。比尔,这位是我妈妈法瑞斯太太。妈妈,这位是比尔·奥尼尔。
Farias: How do you do, Mr. O"Neill?
法瑞斯太太: 奥尼尔先生您好。
Bill: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Farias.
比尔: 很高兴认识您,法瑞斯太太。
Farias: Paulo, is that Joanna over there?
法瑞斯太太: 保罗,那边那位是不是乔安娜?
Paulo: Yes. Joanna! Joanna!
保罗: 是的。乔安娜!乔安娜!
Mrs. Farias: Goodbye, Mr. O"Neill. Nice to meet you.
法瑞斯太大: 奥尼尔先生,再见,很高兴认识你。
Bill: A pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Farias. Good night, Paulo, see you tomorrow.
比尔: 很高兴认识你,法瑞斯太太,祝您晚安。保罗,明天见.


Goodbye这个词是从God be with you.(愿神与你同在) 这句话衍生而来的,所以有祝福对方幸运、平安的味道。与人道别的用语不少,还有青年人比较常用的说法,如:See you! (再见),See you+时间! (待会儿见!)但已经完全融人人 们口语中的bye-bye这个宇,其实是小孩子的用语,请不要随意用。在英国,道别的时候也有人说“Good day!”当然了,达是“Have a good day!”(再见,祝你有美好的一天!省略的结果。道别时还可以说 Good morning或是good evpnjng.这些都是英式的说法,以此类推,在 傍晚时分和人道别时所说的Good night并不是只有-晚安-的意思。

Lesson 04  Pleading 请求


bake 烘烤
stew 炖肉菜
steno pad 速记本
corp.=oorporation 大公司
address 地址:住址
brochure 介绍情况的小册了
sincerely 真诚的
florist 花商


34. Excuse me.对不起。
35. Yes?有什么事?
36. Can you help me?您能帮个忙吗?
37. I"m sorry.不行啊。
38. Can you help me with…?你能帮我做……吗?
39. No way.没门儿。
40. Would you help me…?你能帮我做……吗?
41. Can you give me a hand?你能帮我一个忙吗?
42. I have a favor to ask.我想请你帮个忙。
43. Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?
44. May I…? 我可以……吗?
45. I"m afraid not.恐怕不行。
46. May I…?我能……吗?
47. Go ahead.进行吧。
48. Forget it.休想。
49. I can ... can"t I?我能……吧?
50. Of course, you may.你当然可以。
51. Do you mind…?你介意……吗?
52. Not at all.一点也不。
53. Would you mind if…?如果……,你介意吗?
54. Please.拜托。
55. Do it for…就算是为了……


Carlo:  What are those, Anna?
安娜, 那些是什么?
Anna:  Baked potatoes.
Counterman:  Next!
Man: A hamburger and french fries, please.
请给我一个汉堡, 还有一客炸薯条.
Counterman:  Joe, a burger and fries. Next!
, 汉堡、薯条一客! 下一位!
Anna:  You"re next, Carlo.
卡洛, 轮到你了.
Carlo:  Uh, stew, a salad, and coffee, please.
这个..., 请给我炖肉、一客沙拉、还有咖啡.
Counterman:  Here you are. The coffee"s at that counter over there. Next!
这是你的, 咖啡在那边的柜台上. 下一位.
Anna:  Vegetable soup, please.
Counterman:  Here you are. Next!
这是你的. 下一位!


Mr. Crawford: Ms. Segura, step into my office, please.Bring your steno pad.
Laura: Yes, sir!
Mr. Crawford: To Mr. James C. Wilson, President, United Printing Corp. You can look up the address in the files.
给联合印刷公司董事长詹姆斯?威尔逊先生, 你可在档案中找到他的地址.
Laura:  Yes, sir.
是的, 先生.
Mr. Crawford:  "Dear Sir: Please send this office 10,000 copies of the World"s Fair brochure. Thank you. Sincerely," and sign my name. "
威尔逊先生, 请寄一万份世界博览会手册, 谢谢您" 然后签我的名字.
Laura:  Yes, sir.
是的, 先生.
Mr. Crawford:  Send that out this morning, Ms. Segura.
今天早上要寄出, 瑟姑拉小姐.
Laura:  Yes, sir.
是的, 先生.
Mr. Crawford:  It"s Mrs. Crawford"s birthday.  Call up the florist and tell him to send my wife a dozen roses.
今天是福德太太的生日, 我要买些花给她, 打个电话给花商,请他送一打玫瑰给我太太.
Laura:  Yes, sir.
是的. 先生.

Lesson 05  Showing Thankfulness 感谢


welcome v  欢迎
mention v  提及:说起
employment n  雇用:就业
resign  v  辞职
recommendation n  推荐;推荐信


56. Thank you very much. 非常感谢
57. I can"t thank you enough.不胜感激。
58. Thanks for…谢谢你……
59. You"re a sweetheart! 你真好。
60.  Thank him for me if you get a chance. 有机会替我谢谢他。
61. Thank you, anyway.不管怎样还是要谢谢你。
62. Sure.应该的。
63. You"re welcome.不客气。
64. Don"t mention it.不足挂齿口
65. Not at all.别客气。
66. At your service.乐意为您效劳口
67. lt"s my pleasure.这是我很乐意做的。
68. I was happy to do it.我很高兴这么做。
69. What are friends for?朋友之间不言谢。


Girl: Excuse me, sir.
Bill: Yes?
Girl:  Is this the Museum of Modern Art?
Bill:  No. This is the Space Building. That"s the Museum over there.
不是, 这是太空大厦. 那边那座是博物馆.
Girl:  Thank you very much.
Bill:  You"re welcome.


Bill:  What about the employment office here at the Fair? Did you check with them?
博览会的人事处如何呢? 你到那边问过没有?
Laura:  No, I didn"t.
没有, 我没有.
Bill:  Why not?
Laura:  Because they aren"t going to help me. I resigned from a good job!
Bill:  Maybe you"re wrong.
Laura:  Oh, Bill. You need recommendations to get a good job. Mr. Crawford isn"t going to give me a recommendation.
, 比尔, 要找一份好工作, 非有以前雇主的推荐不可. 郭佛先生不会帮我写推荐函的.
Bill:  Look.
Bill:  Mr. Crawford is difficult to work for, right?
替郭佛先生作事很艰难, 你说是不是?
Laura:  Right.
Bill:  Well, maybe the employment office knows it, too.
Laura:  Is that possible?
Bill:  Of course, it"s possible! Maybe you"re his seventh secretary in two years!
当然有可能! 说不定你是他两年来第七任秘书!
Laura:  Maybe. Thanks, Bill. 也许吧.
谢谢你, 比尔.
Bill:  Don"t mention it. Good luck.
不足挂齿, 祝你成功!

Lesson 06  Apology 道歉


interrupt v  打斯:中断
apologize v 道歉
pavilion n. 亭子;展览馆
sandwich n. 三明治


70. Excuse me a minute.请原谅我失陪一下。
71. I hope l"m not interrupting anything.希望我没有打扰什么。
72. I"m sorry.对不起。
73. Forgive me.原谅我。
74. That"s all right.没关系。
75. That"s OK.没关系。
76. It doesn"t matter.没关系
77. Forget it.不必在意。
78. Don"t apologize.不用道歉。
79. You don"t have to be sorry.你不必抱歉。


Mr. Nikzad: Excuse me, sir. Can you help me? Where is the Italian restaurant?
对不起先生, 您能不能帮个忙? 请问义大利餐馆在哪 ?
Bill:  It"s in the Italian Pavilion, over there. On the second floor.
就在那边的义大利馆里面. 在二楼.
Mr. Nikzad: Thank you.
Ali:  I can have an ice cream sandwich later, can"t I?
Bill:  Of course, you can. After lunch.
当然可以, 但要在吃过午餐以後.


Joana:  Who"s that?
Paulo:  He"s here. Please, Joana, for me. The door"s open! Come in!
他来了, 琼娜请帮我开开门. 门没锁, 请进!
Michael:  Hi, Paulo.
 , 保罗.
Paulo:  Hello, Michael. Do you know my sister, Joana?
 , 迈克尔. 你认不认识我妹妹琼娜?
Michael:  No, I don"t.
Paulo:  Joana, I want you to meet Michael Crawford. He"s driving us to his parents" party.
琼娜, 介绍一下, 这是迈克尔?郭佛. 他要载我们去参加他父母的宴会.
Joana:  How do you do?
Michael:  It"s a pleasure to meet you Joana.
琼娜, 很高兴认识 .
Paulo:  I"m ready, but Joana...
我已经准备好了, 但是琼娜她...
Joana:  Oh, Paulo. Just five more minutes. Sorry to keep you waiting.
, 保罗, 再五分钟就好了. 对不起, 让你等.
Michael:  Don"t apologize. I"m happy you"re coming.
不用道歉, 我很高兴你们来参加.

Lesson 7 Offers and Invitations 邀请


Brazil n. 巴西[南美国家]
Iran n. 伊朗[西亚国家]


80.What can I do for you?有什么要我效劳的?
81. Let me know if you need me. }我帮忙的话就告诉我。
82. Can I buy you a drink?我能给你买杯喝的吗?
83. Shall we invite...?我们要不要邀请……?
84. Would you like to join us?你愿意参加吗?
85. I"d love to. 我很乐意。
86. I"d love to, but.,我很想去,可是....
87. He"s been invited,已经邀请他了。
88. I"d like to invite you to...我想邀请你去。
89. Maybe some other time. 改天再说吧。
90. I"ll take a rain check. 我下次一定去。


Mrs. Farias: When is Michael coming to pick up?
Joanna:  He said seven. Would you get the door please, Mama?
Mrs. Farias: Hello, Micheal. How are you?
Michael:  Fine, thank you, Mrs. Farias. And you?
Mrs. Farias: Well, as a matter of fact, I"m not feeling very well today.
Michael:  What"s the matter?
Mrs. Farias: Oh, I"m sure that it"s nothing serious. Joana, Michael"s here! [Joana enters]
Joanna:  Hi, Michael.
Michael:  Hi, you look great!
Joanna:  Thank you.
Mrs. Farias: Will you two please excuse me? I have some things to do in the kitchen.
Michael:  Certainly. What"s up?
Joanna:  I have some exciting news.
Michael:  What is it? I hope you aren"t going back home.
Joanna:  No.Right now I can"t think of any place I"d rather be than here. But ....
Michael:  What is it, then?
Joanna:  How would you like to go to Brazil for two years?


Bill:  Ali, the next bus will be here any minute.
阿里, 下一班车随时会来.
Yamamoto:  I"m going to the Japanese Garden. 我要到日本花园去.
Ali:  Are you Japanese? I"m from Iran.
你是不是日本人? 我是伊朗人.
Yamamoto:  I was born in Japan.
Ali:  I went to the Japanese Garden last week.
Yamamoto:  Did you?
, 你去过啦?
Ali:  Yes, it"s very pretty. My mother liked it very much. I think it"s too quiet there. but I"ll go with you if you want.
是的, 非常漂亮, 我妈妈很喜欢. 我觉得那边太安静了, 不过,
如果你要去的话, 我就陪你去.
Yamamoto:  Thank you. But if you come with me, your parents won"t know where you are.
谢谢. 不过, 你如果陪我去, 你父母就会不知道你到那里去了.
Ali:  If you wait, I"ll tell my parents where I"m going.
你若能等我一下, 我就告诉我爸爸妈妈我要去那里.
Yamamoto:  You are a good boy.  Maybe some other time.
你真乖.。或许, 改天吧.
Ali:  Do you come here a lot? I"m here every afternoon. My father works in that bank. That"s my friend, Mr. O"Neill, the ice cream man.
你常常来这里吗? 我每天下午都在这里. 我爸爸就在那个银行里上班, 那位是我的朋友, 欧尼尔先生, 冰淇淋摊贩.
Yamamoto:  Here"s the bus. Good-bye, Ali. And thank you.
公共汽车来了, 再见, 阿里, 谢谢你!

Lesson 8 Receiving Guests 接待客人


answer the door 应门
host n. 主人
confortable a. 舒适的
hostess n. 女主人


91.Would you answer the door
92.The door’s open. 门没锁。
93.Come in. 请进。
94.... is here. ……来了。
95. Please sit down. 请坐。
96.Sit down, would you? 请坐。
97.Make yourself at home. 不必拘束。
98.Let me show you around.
99.Thanks for coming. 谢谢你光临。
100. Thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。
101. You"re a great host.你是个出色的主人。
102. I"m glad you had a good time.我很高兴你玩得开心。
103. Let me walk you to the gate.让我送你去大门口。


Marta:  Who is it?
Miguel:  Miguel. Pedro"s friend.
米盖尔, 佩德罗的朋友.
Marta:  What a surprise! Come in.
真想不到! 请进.
Miguel:  Thank you. Here. Happy birthday.
谢谢. 这个给你, 祝你生日快乐.
Marta:  Oh, Miguel. They"re beautiful! Thank you.
哦,米盖尔, 真漂亮, 谢谢你.
Miguel:  I"m sorry about your headache.
听说你头痛, 我真替你难过.
Marta:  Headache? Oh, yes, my headache. I"m fine now, thank you.
头痛? , 是的, 我是头痛, 但现在已经好了, 谢谢你.
Miguel:  I"m glad. Let"s go to a movie, then.
我很高兴. 那麽, 我们一起去看电影, 好不好?
Marta:  Miguel! What a good idea!
米盖尔! 那真是一个好主意!


Michael:  Good-bye, Miguel. Nice meeting you. Good-bye, Marta. Thanks for coming.
米盖尔再见, 很高兴认识你. 玛它再见, 谢谢你的光临.
Marta:  Bye. Don"t forget our English lesson on Wednesday.
再见, 星期三补习英文, 你可不要忘了!
Michael:  I won"t. I"ll be there. And why don"t you come, too, Miguel?
放心好了, 我会来的, 米盖尔你也来, 好不好?
MIGUEL: Thank you. I will. And thank you for inviting me to the party. It was a lot of fun.
谢谢, 我会来的, 谢谢你邀请我参加宴会. 我玩得很开心.
Marta:  Thank you again, Michael. I"ll see you next Wednesday. Joana, it was a pleasure meeting you.
迈克尔, 谢谢你, 下星期三见. 琼娜, 很高兴认识你.
Joanna:  Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you and Miguel.
谢谢, 很高兴认识你和米盖尔.
ALL: Good night.
Michael:  Well.Let"s sit down for a few minutes. I can clean up later.
好了, 我们坐一会吧. 我等一会再清理.
Joanna:  No, let me help you.
, 让我来帮你忙.
Michael:  No, that"s all right. I can do it by myself in the morning.
不必; 没关系, 明天早上我可以自己清理.


中国人最讲究待客之道,与外国朋友接触,也要注意遵守西方利益。朋友让进门:Please sit down.(请坐);用餐时可说:Make yourself at home.(不必拘束);带客人参观自己的小家:Let me show you around.(让我来带你四处看看。)。客人起身告别,可以礼貌地说:Thanks for coming.(谢谢你光临);更为殷勤的,可以接着说:Let me walk you to the gate.(让我送你到大门口)。难怪客人要快你:You are a great host.(你是个出色的主人)

Lesson 09 Dining 进餐


cafeteria n. (学校等地的)自助餐厅
flavor n. 味道;口味
specialty n. 名产;特产
appetizer n. 开胃小吃;开胃饮料
martini n. 马提尼
lobster n. 龙虾


104. I"m hungry.我饿了。
105. What do you have for breakfast?你们早餐吃什么?
106. There’s a cafeteria on the ground floor. 在一楼有一家自助餐厅。
107. How is the food these?那里的菜好吃吗?
108. The food is nit bad.菜还不错。
109. It smell good.闻起来很香:
110. It tastes great,这非常美味可口。
111. It"s delicious.它很可口。
112. It"s tasty.它很美味。
113. It"s ...-flavored.这是… …口味的。
114. The rice is terrible.米饭很难吃。
115. May I take your order now? 您现在要点菜吗?
116. Give me…给我… …
117. What are your specialties? 你们有什么特色菜?
118. …is very goad today.今天的……很不错。
119. What do your want?你要点什么?
120. I want…我要… …
121. What would you like to have for the appetizer? 您要什么开胃小吃/饮料?
122. I’d like…我想要……
123. Here you are·给你。
124. Would you like a drink?你要喝点什么吗?
125. Yesplease。好啊。
126. No, thank you。不必了.谢谢。
127. May I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗?
128. ou take your coffee blackdon"t you? 你喝纯咖啡,对吧?
129. What aye you going to serve? 你要请人家吃什么?
130. I can make…我会做……
131. Dinner is ready. 饭做好了。
132. Enjoy your dinner.祝你吃得愉快:
133. Have a bite.吃一口。
134. May I have some more?我能再要点吗?
135. I"m full.我吃饱了。
136. I"ve had dinner already.我已经吃过晚饭了。


Carlo: Aren"t you hungry?
Anna: No, I"m not. Not really.
还好, 不怎么饿.
Carlo:  Well, it"s 9:30, and I am.
, 已经九点半了, 我可饿了.
Anna: There"s a cafeteria on the ground floor.
Carlo:  But it"s expensive, isn"t it?
可是那家自助餐厅卖得很贵, 不是吗?
Anna: No, it isn"t.
Carlo:  How"s the food?
Anna: It"s not bad.
Carlo:  OK. then. Let"s go to the cafeteria.
好吧, 我们就去自助餐厅吧!


Waiter: Here are your cocktails.
Mr. Crawford:  Thank you.
Waiter: The sherry?
Mrs. Crauford:  For me, thank you.
我的, 谢谢.
Waiter: And the martini is for you, sir?
Mr. Crawford:  Yes, thank you.
是的, 谢谢.
Waiter: May I take your order now?
Mr. Crawford:  Please.
Waiter: The lobster is very good today.
Mr. Crawford:  Dear?
亲爱的, 怎麽样?
Mrs. Crauford:  Oh, a fruit salad, please.
, 请给我一客水果沙拉.
Waiter: Certainly. And you, sir?
好的. 先生您呢?
Mr. Crawford:  The lobster, and a salad, please.
Waiter: Thank you. Wine, sir?
好的, 先生要不要叫一点葡萄酒?
Mr. Crawford:  Wine, dear?
亲爱的, 要不要酒?
Mrs. Crauford:  No, not for me.
, 我不要.
Mr. Crawford:  No, thank you.
不要, 谢谢.
Waiter: Very good, sir.
好的, 先生.



若是受邀去朋友家吃饭,则要注意,在整个用餐过程中,客人应不时地对主人准备的菜肴表示赞赏,使主人高兴。通常可以这么说:“This is really delicious.”“This dish is very tasty.”之类的话。主人总会很有礼貌地回答道:“Thank you, I"m glad you like it.”还要注意的是,在英语中,a drink 通常指酒精类的饮料。所以,“Would you like a drink?”特别是在餐前问,常常是指酒精类的饮料。如果指不含酒精的饮料,通常用短语something to drink. 聚餐后在向主人告辞时,一般要说一些表示感谢的话。可以说“Thank you very much. That was really lovely.”“I"ve very much enjoyed the meal, thank you.”之类的话。主人也会说“You"re welcome. I"m glad you like it.”之类的话。

Lesson 10 Shopping 购物


bargain n. 廉价买到的东西
lettuce n.生菜,莴苣
lime n.柠檬


137. May I help you?能为您效劳吗?
138. Do you have…? 你有没有…?
139. I"m looking for...,我想买……
140. I want to buy him a present·我想给他买个礼物:
141. We dan"t have…today。今天我们没有一卖。
142. It"s sold out. 卖完了。
143. How much is it? 这多少钱?
144. How much does this dress cost?这连衣裙多少钱?
145. What"s the price of ...是什么价钱?
146. It"s ninety-nine cents a pound,这个九角九分一磅。
147. They"re five for a dollar.这些一美元五个。
148. May I have a discount?可以给我打个折吗?
149. You can haue a 10% discount.可以给你打九折.
150. I can give it to you for…我可以一价格卖给你。
151. It"s expensive.这很贵.
152. They are on sale.这正在特价出售.
153. It"s a bargain.它物美价廉:
154. It"s free of charge.是免费的。
155. How much do you need?您要多少?
156. How many do you need?您要几个?
157. How many do you want to order?您要预定多少?
158. How many do you suggest?您认为多少台适?
159. Whose oranges are these?这是谁要的橙子?
160. I"ll take it.这个我买了。
161. That"s 4 dollars, please.请付四美元.
162. Would you like to pay by credit card or in cash?您用信用卡支付还是付现金?
163. Do you accept credit carts? 你这里可以用信用卡付账ILq?
164. Will you change a 100-dollar bill? 你能找得开一百美元的钞票吗?
165. You forgot to pay。你忘记付钱了。
166. What time do you close?你们几点关门?
167. What are your business hours? 你们的营业时间是怎样的?
168. The store is open until 9:00,这家店营业到九点。
169. Saturday is our busy day at the store. 星期六是店里生意很忙的日子.


Jim:  Can I help you?
Customer 1:  Please. I can"t find the lettuce.
麻烦你一下, 我找不到莴苣.
Jim:  Isn"t there any in the second case?
Customer 1:  I don"t think so.
Jim:  We don"t have a lot of lettuce today. How much do you need?
我们今天没有很多莴苣, 您需要多少?
Customer 1:  Not much. Only one head. Oh, and a few limes.
不多, 一棵就够了. 对了, 还要几个酸橙.
Jim:  The limes are over there.
Customer 1: There aren"t many there.
Jim:  Oh? How many do you need?
? 您要几个?
Customer 1:  Oh, four or five.
Yamamoto:  Is anything wrong?
Customer 1:  Oh, hello, Mr. Yamamoto.
, 山本先生, 您好.
Yamamoto:  You know my name?
Customer 1:  Of course. Your market is famous.
当然, 您的店很有名.
Yamamoto:  Is it?


Customer:  There"s an article about it in the paper. Here, look. "GOING TO THE FAIR? FIRST STOP: YAMAMOTO"S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET."
报纸上有一篇文章讲它. , 你看: "打算到博览会去吗? 第一站: 山本果菜店."
Jim:  May I buy the newspaper from you?
Customer:  No, take it, please. Here.
不用, 你拿去好了, 不要客气. 给你.
Jim:  Thank you. Now the lettuce. Here. There was a head in the case with the cabbage.
谢谢. 现在找找莴苣看, 有了, 箱子里有一棵和洋白菜放在一起.
Customer:  How much is it?
Jim:  Seventy-nine cents.
Yamamoto:  No. Give it to him for forty cents. It"s the last head.
不必那麽多, 算它四毛好了, 那是最后一棵.
Customer:  Thank you, Mr. Yamamoto. Good-bye.
谢谢您, 山本先生, 再见.
Yamamoto:  Good-bye.
Jim:  OK. Who"s next? Whose oranges are these?
好的, 下一位是谁? 这些是谁要的橙子?
Customer 2:  They"re mine.
Jim:  And the potatoes?
Customer 2:  Hers.
Jim:  That"s $1.99, please.

Lesson 11 Telephone Calls 打电话


available a. 可以得到或使用的
extension n. 分机


170. Answer the phone,去接电话:
171. Hello.喂。
172. This is…speaking.我是……
173. Is that...?你是...?
174. Wrong number.您打错电话7.
175. Will you please put me through to ...? 请给我接...
176. Will you get me to extension...? 请给我转....分机。
177. May I speak to…? 请找……听电话:
178. Is ... available? …能来接电话吗?
179. Hang on, please。请别挂断。
180. Hold on.别挂断。
181. It"s for you.是你的电话:
182. She"s not in.她不在:
183. May I leave a message?我能留下口信吗?
184. Would you please tell her I called?请告诉她我打过电话给她好吗?
185. She hung up on me.她挂断了我的电话。
186.I"ve got to go.我得挂电话了。
187. I"ll call you later.过一段时间我再给你打电话。
188. Call me.给我打电话。
189. What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?
190. You can find the number in the telephone book. 你可以在电话簿里查到号码。
191. I’m only a call"s away. 有事就打电话给我。


Michael. Hello. How nice of you to call!
迈克尔, , 你打电话来太好了!

This Friday night? What a good idea!
这个星期五晚上? 多好的主意!

Yes. I"m sure Paulo can come. He doesn"t work Friday nights.
是的, 我确定保罗会去, 他星期五晚上不工作.

Can I help? I could bake a cake.
要我帮忙吗? 我可以烘蛋糕.

Don"t be silly. I like to bake, and I love parties.
不要傻了, 我喜欢烘蛋糕和参加宴会.
Can I see some of your paintings?

Yes, really. I paint, too.
是的, 真的吗? 我也画画.

I never talk about it. I"m not very good. In fact, my paintings are pretty bad.
我从不说它, 我画得不好, 事实上, 我画得很差.
No. I don"t have any with me. They"re all home in Brazil.
, 那些画并没在我身边, 它们全在巴西的家里.

Oh, really? Perhaps some afternoon I could go to art class with you.
, 真的吗? 或许那天下午, 我能够跟你一起上艺术课.
Fine. See you Friday, then.
很好, 星期五见.

Friday, at 8:30. Thank you. Good night.
星期五, 八点半, 谢谢你, 晚安.

Lesson 12 Identifying People 辨别身份


192. What"s your name? 你叫什么名字?
193. My name is ... 我叫……
194. What"s your first name? 你叫什么名字?
195. What"s your last name? 您贵姓?
196. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓是怎么拼的?
197. Your name is ...? 你的名字是……
198. Your name and address,please. 请告知您的姓名和地址。
199. Call me ... 叫我……吧。
200. May I call you ...? 我可以称呼你……吗?
201. Who are you? 你是谁?
202. I"m his father. 我是他的父亲。
203. Who do you think I am? 你以为我是谁?
204. Who is it? 是哪一位?
205. It"s me. 是我啊。
206. Are you ...? 你是……吗?
207. You"re a painter,aren"t you? 你是一位画家,是吗?
208. Where are you from? 你从哪儿来的?
209. I"m from ... 我来自……
210. I was born in ... 我出生在……
211. She"s from a ... family. 她出身于……家庭。
212. Do I know you? 我们认识吗?
213. Is this ...? 这位是……吗?
214. Is it anyone I know? 是我认识的人吗?
215. He used another name. 他没有用本名。
216. Do you remember me? 你还记得我吗?
217. I could hardly recognize you. 我几乎认不出你了.
218. You know my name? 你知道我的名字啊?


Ali:   My name"s Ali.
Mrs. Nikzad:  Come along, Ali. The man is busy.
过来, 阿里, 这位先生很忙.
Bill:  That"s OK. Where are you from, Ali?
没关系, 阿里, 你从哪儿来的?
Ali:   Iran.
Bill:  Really?
Ali:   Yes. I can speak two languages.
, 我会说两种语言.
Bill:  Oh? Your English is very good.
? 你英文说得很好.
Ali:   Yes.
Mr. Nikzad: Come, Ali! The restaurant"s over here.
阿里,, 餐馆就在这 .
Mrs. Nikzad:  Come along, Ali. Good-bye, sir. Thank you for your help.
快来, 阿里. 先生再见, 谢谢你的帮忙.
Ali:   Bye-bye, ice cream man.
拜拜, 卖冰淇淋的先生.
Bill:  Good-bye, Ali. See you after lunch.
阿里,再见, 午餐後再碰头.


Ali:   Hello, Mr. Vegetable Man. Do you remember me? My name is Ali.
Yamamoto:  Yes, Ali. I remember you.
Ali:   I met you when you were going to the Japanese Garden. Did you have a good time?
Yamamoto:  Yes, thank you, Ali. Is this your mother, Ali?
Ali:   Yes, it is. Mommy, I told you about this man.
Mrs. Nikzad:  His name is Mr. Yamamoto, Ali. Be polite.
Ali:   How do you know his name, Mommy?
Mrs. Nikzad:  Because many of my friends have told me about him and his excellent shop. It"s nice to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto. Our name is Nikzad.
Yamamoto:  How do you do, Mrs. Nikzad?Your son helped me find my way around the Fair.
Ali:   Are you famous, Mr. Yamamoto? How come?
Yamamoto:  Because I have lived in this neighborhood a long time.
Ali:   But that isn"t enough, is it?
Yamamoto:  You have to answer that question for yourself.

Lesson 13 Identifying Objects 识别事物


219. Is this ...? 这是……吗?
220. Is that ... over there? 那边的是……吗?
221. What"s this? 这是什么?
222. What"’s that? 那是什么?
223. What is it? 是什么东西?
224. It’s ... 那是……
225. Which one? 哪一个?
226. Whose money is it? 那是谁的钱?
227. It’s mine. 是我的。
228. It’s ...’s. ……的。


Bill:  Well, how"s your boss this morning?
Laura:  He"s angry. "Miss Segura. Please be here at nine o"clock."
 他生气了. "瑟姑拉小姐, 请您九点钟到."
Bill:  Your boss is right.
Laura:  He"s a monster!
Bill:  He"s right, Laura.
劳拉, 他是对的.
Laura:  OK, he"s right.
好吧, 他没有错.
Bill:  Here.
Laura:  What is it?
Bill:  It"s an ice cream sandwich.
Laura:  How much is it?
Bill:  For you-free!
 给您... 免费赠送!
Laura:  Oh, Bill. You"re a sweetheart!
比尔, 您真好!


Carlo:  What"s that?
Anna:  Pizza. Pizza.
Carlo:  No, not in Italian. What is it in English?
, 不是用意大利文, 英文怎麽讲?
Anna:  It"s "pizza" in English, too. 英文也叫 Pizza.
CARL Oh, really? What are those?
, 真的? 那些是什麽东西?
Anna:  Baked potatoes.
Carlo:  And this?
Anna:  Uh... an apple.
... apple (苹果).
Carlo:  Are you sure?
Anna:  Yes, I"m sure.
Carlo:  Spell it.
Anna:  A-p-p-l-e. A-p-p-l-e.
Carlo:  A-p-p-l-e, apple. Spell "potato".
A-p-p-l-e, apple, potato (马铃薯) 拼出来.
Anna:  P-o-t-a-t-o. P-o-t-a-t-o.
Carlo:  And...
Anna:  Look! Isn"t that Atsuko, the woman in our class? let"s sit there. Hi, Atsuko. Where"s your husband?
你看! 那不是我们班上的明子吗? 我们坐那边吧. 明子你好,你的先生呢?
Atsuko:  He"s in line again. He"s hungry tonight.
他又去排队了, 他今天晚上很饿.
Carlo:  How"s the food here?
Atsuko:  It"s ok. The rice isn"t good, but the sandwiches are okay.
还可以, 这里的饭不好吃, 但是三明治还不错.

Lesson 14 Age 年龄


limit n. 界限
spaghetti n. 意大利面
agency n. 代理厅
publicity n. 宣传
competition n. 竞赛
display v. 展示 n.展览
entry n. 参加竞赛的人或物
participant n. 竞赛者


229. How old are you? 你有多大年纪?
230. I’m six years old. 我六岁。
231. I’d rather not tell my age. 我不想谈我的年纪。
232. I’m going to be seven a week later. 再过一个星期我就七岁了。
233. My oldest son is seventeen. 我最大的儿子十七岁。
234. He"s about your age. 他跟你年纪相仿。
235. You"re the same age as ... 你和……年纪相若。
236. He’s ... older than I am 他比我大……
237. I’m young. 我很年轻。
238. I"m old. 我老了。
239. I’m getting old. 我在渐渐变老。
240. You’re too young to ... 你太小,还不能……
241. Is there an age limit for ...? 有年龄限制吗?
242. He never talks about his age. 他从来不提他的年龄。


BILL: Hi, Ali. Where are your parents today?
, 阿里, 你爸妈今天到哪儿去了?
ALI: They"re eating in the Italian restaurant again. I like hot dogs more than spaghetti.And ice cream is the most delicious thing in the world.  It"s not fair.
他们又上意大利餐馆去了. 我喜欢热狗甚於意大利, 然而冰淇淋又是世界上最美味可口的东西了.那是不公平的.
BILL: What isn"t fair, Ali?
什麽不公平, 阿里?
ALI: They can eat as much spaghetti as they want. But I can"t eat as many hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches as I want. Do you have children?
他们高兴吃多少条就能吃多少, 但我想吃多少热狗和冰淇淋三明治却不能. 你有孩子吗?
BILL: I have two boys and two girls, but they are all older than you.
我有两男两女, 不过他们都比你大.
ALI: How old are the boys?
BILL: Bill, Jr., the oldest, is seventeen. Jack is sixteen.
小比尔最大, 他十七岁, 杰克是十六岁.
ALI: Do they play baseball?
BILL: They sure do. Do you play baseball?
当然了, 你也打棒球吗?
ALI: Not yet. But I"m going to learn soon. I"m almost seven years old.
还没. 不过, 我很快会去学的, 我差不多七岁了.


Paul:  And that, Mr. Crawford, is our plan. We"d like your agency to handle the publicity.
郭佛先生, 我们的计划就是这样子. 我们愿意由你的代理商去负责宣传.
Mr. Crawford:  Good. Now let me make sure I have all the facts. 
Paul:  Certainly.
Mr. Crawford:  The Brazilian Pavilion is planning a competition for young artists.
Paul: Yes, and by the way, the Pavilion will display many of the entries during the final month of the competition.
. , 对了, 在比赛的最后一个月, 很多应徵的作品要在巴西馆展览出来.
Mr. Crawford:  I see. Now, the entries must all be oil paintings, correct?
好的. 参加比赛的作品都必须是油画, 对不对?
Paul:  Yes. .
Mr. Crawford:  Is there an age limit for the participants?
对参加比赛的人, 有没有年龄上的限制?
PAUL We were thinking of thirty or thirty-five. But you must know more about this than I do.
 我们考虑以三十岁或三十五岁为限. 不过, 关于这方面的事, 您知道的比我多,
PAUL You have more experience. 您的经验比较丰富.
Mr. Crawford:  I think thirty is the right limit. How old are you, Paulo? May I call you Paulo?
我认为三十岁最好, 保罗, 你几岁了? 我可以叫你保罗吗?
Paul:  Of course, sir. Twenty-nine.
当然可以, 我二十九岁.
Mr. Crawford:  You"re the same age as my son Michael.
Paul:  Yes.
Mr. Crawford:  Forgive me. Where were we?
对不起, 我们刚才讲到哪里?


