【学一学】请小朋友学习以下内容核心词汇:welcome 欢迎right 正确的Are you OK?你还好吗?拓展学习:1 Donald is blamed 唐纳德被责怪了。2 Your perso



welcome 欢迎
right 正确的
Are you OK?你还好吗?


1.Donald is blamed. 唐纳德被责怪了。

2.Your personality is your worst enemy. 你的性格是你最大的敌人。

3.Unless you stop insulting our guests,you are going to be fired. 除非你停止侮辱我们的顾客,否则你就会被开除。

4.The guest is always right. 顾客永远都是对的。

5.sneer at 嘲笑 讥笑
eg: The child is sneering at Donald. 孩子在嘲笑唐纳德。

6.have much/a lot on the ball 很能干
eg: You haven"t much on the ball,eh? 你没多少力气,是吧?

7.divide into 分开 分成
eg: The luggage is divided into two pieces. 行李被分成了两截。

8.tear into 撕开
eg: He tears his clothes into two pieces. 他把他的衣服撕成了两半。

9.burst into 突然...起来
eg: The children bursts into laughing. 孩子笑了起来。

10.What a shame! 太丢脸了!

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