1 RussianWe are Russian 我们是俄罗斯人。Can you understand Russian?你能听懂俄语吗?His mother is Russian 他的母亲是俄罗斯人。
新概念英语1词汇随身听|新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson16:你能听懂俄语吗

1. Russian

We are Russian.我们是俄罗斯人。

Can you understand Russian?你能听懂俄语吗?

His mother is Russian.他的母亲是俄罗斯人。

2. Dutch

Are you Dutch?你是荷兰人吗?

There are some Dutch students in my class.我们班里有一些荷兰学生。

3. these

What are these boxes for?这些盒子做什么用?

Whose books are these?这些书是谁的?

4. red

What colour are your pens? Are they red?你的钢笔是什么颜色?红色吗?

His new car is red.他的新车是红色的。

Small girls often like red skirts.小女孩总是喜欢红色的裙子。

5. grey

What colour are your handbags? Are they grey?你们的手提袋是什么颜色的?是灰色的吗?

The sky is grey.天空是灰色的。

My grandma"s hair is all grey.我祖母的头发全是灰色的。

6. yellow

Our tickets are not white. They are yellow.我们的票不是白色的,它们是黄色的。

We have yellow skin.我们有黄色的皮肤。

The green leaves have turned yellow.绿叶已经变黄。

7. black

What colour are your coats? Are they black?你们的外套是什么颜色的?是黑色的吗?

He is in a black coat.他穿着黑色的外衣。

Her hair is long and black.她的头发又长又黑。

8. orange

What colour are your blouses? Are they orange?你们的上衣是什么颜色的?是桔黄色的吗?

Do you like that orange hat?你喜欢那顶桔黄色的帽子吗?

He painted his walls orange.他把墙都粉刷成了桔黄色。

相关热点: 英语听力 背单词软件 新概念英语 傲慢与偏见精讲

新概念英语1词汇随身听|新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson16:你能听懂俄语吗

