1 customsHe was stopped at customs 他在海关被截住了。Her husband works at customs 她的丈夫在海关工作。2 officerJack i
【新概念英语1词汇随身听】新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson15:他们说丹麦语

1. customs

He was stopped at customs.他在海关被截住了。

Her husband works at customs.她的丈夫在海关工作。

2. officer

Jack is a customs officer.杰克是海关官员。

Go and ask the police officer.去问问警官吧。

3. girl

Who is the girl in white?穿白色衣服的女孩是谁?

Amy is a girl"s name.艾米是个女孩的名字。

4. Danish

We are Danish.我们是丹麦人。

They speak Danish.他们说丹麦语。

Tony is Danish.托尼是丹麦人。

5. friend

Are your friends Danish, too?你们的朋友们也是丹麦人吗?

She"s a friend of mine.她是我的一个朋友。(本句音频漏掉了She)

I have a lot of friends.我有很多朋友。

6. Norwegian

They are Norwegian.他们是挪威人。

Mark is Norwegian.马克是挪威人。

He knows a little Norwegian.他懂得一点挪威语。

7. passport

Your passport, please.请出示你们的护照。

I left my passport at home.我把我的护照丢在家里了。

His passport is missing.他的护照不见了。

8. brown

Our cases are brown.我们的箱子是棕色的。

His eyes are brown.他的眼晴是棕色的。

I have a pair of brown shoes.我有一双棕色的鞋子。

9. tourist

Are you tourists?你们是来旅游的吗?

I am a tourist here.我是这里的游客。

Many tourists come here every year.每年都有很多游客来这里观光。

相关热点: 英语听力 背单词软件 新概念英语 托福题型

【新概念英语1词汇随身听】新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson15:他们说丹麦语

