1 fatIs that man fat or thin?那个男的是胖还是瘦?My uncle is rather fat 我的叔叔很胖。He is too fat to play football
[新概念英语1词汇随身听]新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson10:我的叔叔很胖

1. fat

Is that man fat or thin?那个男的是胖还是瘦?

My uncle is rather fat.我的叔叔很胖。

He is too fat to play football.他太胖了,没法踢足球。

2. woman

Is that woman thin or fat?那个女的是瘦还是胖?

Who"s that woman in red?穿红色衣服的女的是谁?

She was a pretty woman when she was young.她年轻的时候是个漂亮的女人。

3. thin

I wish I were thinner.我希望我再瘦些。

Nicole is tall and thin with red hair.尼科尔高且瘦,有着红色的头发。

4. tall

Is that policewoman short or tall?那个女警察是矮还是高?

Her brother is a tall boy.她的弟弟是个高个子男生。

This is the tallest building in the world.这是当今世界最高的建筑物。

5. short

She likes to wear short skirts in summer.夏天她喜欢穿短裙。

She cut her hair short.她把头发剪短了。

6. dirty

Is that mechanic dirty or clean?那个机械师看上去是脏还是干净?

The floor is dirty.地板很脏。

You"d better go and wash your hands, they are dirty.你的手很脏,最好去洗一洗。

7. clean

He looks clean.他看起来挺干净的。

Her room is always clean and tidy.她房间总是那么干净整齐。

8. hot

Is Steven hot or cold?斯蒂文是觉得热还是觉得冷?

Do you feel hot now?你现在觉得热吗?

Be careful, the milk is hot.小心点,牛奶很烫。

9. cold

It"s cold outside, put on more clothes.外面很冷,你多穿些衣服吧。

It"s nice to have a cold drink at the moment.这个时候喝点冷饮实在太好了。


Is that milkman old or young?那个送牛奶的人是年长的还是年轻的?

The temple is rather old.这座庙很古老了。

The old man is lonely.那位老人很孤独。

11. young

What are you doing here, young man?年轻人,你在这儿干嘛?

One should try to learn more when one is young.一个人应该趁着年轻的时候多学点东西。

12. busy

Are you busy now?你这会儿忙吗?

My father is always very busy.我的父亲总是很忙。

13. lazy

Don"t be so lazy!不要这么懒!

He always fails in exams because he is too lazy.他太懒了,所以考试总是不及格。

[新概念英语1词汇随身听]新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson10:我的叔叔很胖

