铅笔VS相机 蚂蚁 快下雨了Pencil vs Camera by Belgian artist Ben HeineBelgian artist Ben Heine seamlessly matche文化娱乐英美剧
孰为汝多知乎_【孰真孰假?】 比利时插画家完美嫁接素描与相片

铅笔VS相机 蚂蚁 快下雨了

Pencil vs Camera by Belgian artist Ben Heine

Belgian artist Ben Heine seamlessly matches pencil sketches with real life settings to create images he calls "Pencil Vs Camera".

比利时艺术家Ben Heine,天衣无缝地将铅笔素描与现实生活背景融合在了一起,创造了被他称作“铅笔VS相机”的系列作品。

铅笔VS相机 草原与农场

"There are four ways that I produce my work," explained Ben. "There is the traditional way, which is to simply draw the picture and hold out your hand with the scenery behind it. With this method I always remember that there hasm to be a contrast between your imagination and the reality of the photo.

“我用了四种方法创造了我的作品,”Ben 说:“传统方式是先简单画一张图,然后用手拿着它以风景为背景。这种方法使我想到想象与照片里现实的对比。

铅笔VS相机 这个是本人吗

The second way is slightly different in that I print a very large picture of a background scenery and then place this on the wall and hold the drawing up to it. This gives me time to re-touch my work during and after.


铅笔VS相机 天马行空的创意

The third is to take a picture of my hand holding the drawing and thendigitally match them up with a totally different background that I have photographed.


铅笔VS相机 熊猫与大海

I do not follow that particular method often. And the fourth and final way is to use the computer to create a digital background and add a digitally drawn picture to the scene."


铅笔VS相机 站在高楼上

Who is the creator?

Ben Heine is a painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer.


Ben Heine 是一个画家、插画家、肖像画家、漫画家和、摄影家。

铅笔VS相机 来喝杯下午茶吧

He was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and currently lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. He studied graphic arts and sculpture and also has a degree in journalism.



铅笔VS相机 山羊

His many years of graphic exploration, artistic experience and his very own vision of the world have led him to this very singular style.


铅笔VS相机 大家来围观

A talented illustrator and photographer, Ben Heine has put together an amazing ongoing project called ‘Pencil Vs Camera.’ His creative thinking combines both art and pictures portraying two different things within the same scene.


铅笔VS相机 谁来帮一把

Ben creates a strong perspective for the viewer by expertly matching the lines of the background scenery. These visual impacts have become a favorite among artists and photographers.


相关热点: 口语英语

孰为汝多知乎_【孰真孰假?】 比利时插画家完美嫁接素描与相片


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