Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory is having a great run at awards ceremonies He won the Emmy and h文化娱乐英美剧
生活大爆炸谢尔顿|《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵婚礼告急:要不要孩子 这是个问题

Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory is having a great run at awards ceremonies. He won the Emmy and he’s fresh off a win at the Golden Globes. Life is a bit bumpier in his private life. According to National Enquirer, Jim’s fiancé Todd Spiewak called off their wedding because Jim doesn’t want kids. 生活大爆炸中的“谢耳朵”Jim Parsons在赢得艾美奖之后,本打算和相处已久的男友Todd Spiewak结婚,但是最近进展中的婚礼被暂停了,因为Jim不想要孩子,可是Todd很喜欢小孩。

“Jim and Todd have been together for quite a while, but never really talked kids. Todd always assumed that Jim wanted to have a family,” stated a friend of the couple.两人的一个朋友谈到:“他们从未正式讨论过这个问题,但是Todd以为Jim和他一样是很想要小孩子的。”

“Jim recently made a joke about how he couldn’t handle being around children, and when Todd asked him about having kids together, Jim said ‘no way.’ Todd was heartbroken. They both love each other very much and are still living together, but their relationship is shaken up right now.”“最近Jim在一次开玩笑的时候说自己很头疼小孩,当Todd问他想不想结婚后要个孩子时,Jim说不想,于是Todd就伤心了。他们还深爱着彼此,也仍然住在一起,只是关系有些紧张起来。”

However, in recent weeks Jim has started to reconsider his “no-kids” policy, says the friend. 不过,最近Jim开始重新考虑自己不要孩子的立场。

“Jim loves Todd deeply and can’t imagine life without him, so he’s seriously rethinking his view on children. For now, everything is on hold.”“Jim真的很爱Todd,她没办法离开他,所以他开始重新考虑孩子的问题,不过眼下一切还有待决定。”


生活大爆炸谢尔顿|《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵婚礼告急:要不要孩子 这是个问题

