吸血鬼日记第二季精彩首播集If you were at all worried about The Vampire Diaries having a sophomore slump, your fea文化娱乐英美剧
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If you were at all worried about The Vampire Diaries having a sophomore slump, your fears can go away. I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the season 2 premiere, "The Return," and it is The Vampire Diaries at its best.

I"m not going to give away any major spoilers, and trust me, there are some big ones coming. Perhaps my favorite part of The Vampire Diaries is that every episode has major, game-changing events, and the season 2 premiere is no exception.

However, to get you excited before the premiere this Thursday at 8pm on the CW, here are five great things to look for.


Damon"s Moment of Realization

At the end of last season Damon kissed Katherine, though he thought he was kissing Elena. In the premiere Damon has a moment where he realizes the he fell victim to "doppelganger hijinks," and the moment alone is worth the price of admission and proof that Ian Somerhalder is giving the performance of his career on this show.
在上一季结尾Damon吻了Katherine,虽然他以为他吻了Elena。在首播集中,Damon 有一刻意识到自己是双重身份游戏的受害者。单就这么一段,足以让我们承认Ian Somerhalder在这部戏里发挥了他演艺生涯的全部。

Nina Dobrev 饰演 Katherine

Nina Dobrev as Katherine
Nina Dobrev 饰演 Katherine

I typically find Elena to be one of the more boring parts of The Vampire Diaries, but now that star Nina Dobrev gets to have some fun by playing Elena and Katherine, we get to see just how great she can be. Much like Somerhalder does with Damon, Dobrev sinks her teeth into the role of Katherine and makes me hope that she"ll be around for a long, long time.
我觉得Elena是吸血鬼日记里乏味角色的典型代表,不过现在Nina 终于可以开心下了,她既扮演Elena又要扮演Katherine,我们也得以认识到她有多么棒。就像Somerhalder演Damon一样,Dobrev潜心钻研Katherine这个角色,让我希望她在戏里的时间能长点再长点。


Bad-Ass Bonnie

Towards the end of the first season Bonnie was becoming better and better as she expanded her witch powers, and now she"s definitely a formidable adversary for anyone she comes across, turning the token sidekick into someone not to be messed with.


What Damon Does

I can"t and won"t give away to much, but Damon does something at the end of the season 2 premiere that left me shocked. It"s certainly a great starting point for an interesting season and will have fans debating what he did and didn"t know.

Game On 好戏上场

"Game On"

You"ll know exactly what this means when you see the episode, but needless to say, the game is definitely on. These two simple words will have a very lasting effect for the rest of the season and will impact nearly every single character.


Overall, the season 2 premiere captures everything we loved about the first season of The Vampire Diaries. It"s fast-paced, sexy, a little inappropriately funny and truly shocking. Get ready for another amazing season that could be even better than the first.

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