[芬兰航空]芬兰馆迎来第100万名参观者 山东游客获大奖

这名幸运游客名叫孙兆鹏,来自山东章丘,今年16岁。6月9日是孙兆鹏第二天和同学一起参观上海世博会。他说:“我来芬兰馆是因为很喜欢芬兰这个国家。以前曾经看到过芬兰的一些体育和舞蹈方面的节目,所以很感兴趣。”上海世博会芬兰政府总代表胡毅督( Pertti Huitu )向孙兆鹏致以热烈祝贺,并赠送给他一块兼具测高度、气压、深度,指南针,暴风雨警告,日出日落时间提示等功能的特殊腕式电脑。而孙兆鹏则自己敲制了一枚由北京奥运会奖牌设计者肖勇设计的“冰壶”纪念币以作纪念。

据胡毅督介绍,芬兰馆游客量的计算基于整天的随机样本。原来预估客流量仅为每天1.5 万人左右,现在的记录是每天3.5 万名游客。


The Finland Pavilion welcomed its millionth guest yesterday afternoon. The lucky visitor, 16-year-old student Sun Zhaopeng from Shandong Province, received a Suunto Core wrist computer from Finnish commissioner general Pertti Huitu.

Sun was at first quite puzzled but quickly became very happy. The student from Number Four Middle School in Zhangqiu city, came to Shanghai Expo with his classmates. He said he picked the pavilion because he is fond of the country. He is familiar with Finnish athletes and interested in Finnish dancing, as he is a dance fan.

The wrist computer combines high technology with heart-rate monitors, diving technology and top design. Sun also received a Kirnu coin, designed by Xiao Yong, the professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts and the designer of the Beijing Olympics medal. He enjoyed a guided tour of the pavilion accompanied by Moomin, the famous children’s book character created by Finnish author Tove Jansson.

The visitor flow of the pavilion, about 30,000 people daily, has exceeded the operators" expectation of about 15,000 before the opening.

The theme of Finnish participation is "Sharing Inspiration," by which Finland wants to share and promote ideas, technologies, sustainable living and building and promote culture in the Expo.


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[芬兰航空]芬兰馆迎来第100万名参观者 山东游客获大奖


推荐访问:芬兰时间 芬兰旅游