CW电视台简介:The CW Television Network (The CW) is a television network in the United States launched at


The CW Television Network (The CW) is a television network in the United States launched at the beginning of the 2006-2007 television season. It is a joint venture between CBS Corporation, the former owners of United Paramount Network (UPN), and Time Warner"s Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB Television Network. The "CW" name is derived from the first letter of the names of these corporations (CBS and Warner Bros.).

The network features a lineup of shows that, according to its President of Entertainment Dawn Ostroff, "appeal to women 18 to 34-years-old." The network currently airs programming 6 days a week: Monday through Friday afternoons and evenings (in prime time), and Saturday morning children"s programming.

当2006年CBS电视台下属的UPN电视网和华纳兄弟旗下的华纳兄弟娱乐公司合并的时候,可能很多人都吃惊的合不拢嘴。这个震撼的消息打破了之前的电视行业格局,带给我们美国第五大电视网:哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(Columbia Broad-casting System and Warner Bros. Network.),简称CW。

虽然CW整合了CBS和华纳兄弟的优势资源,可以覆盖将近95%的美国电视用户,但是CW却一直无法撼动FOX,ABC,CBS,NBC四大电视网统治性的地位。所以,正如CW主页上自己说的,这个年轻的电视网开始转变方向,针对年轻的收视群体,成为了唯一一家针对18-34岁年轻观众的电视台。朝着这个目标,CW播映了一系列热门的青春剧:《篮球兄弟》(One Tree Hill),《美眉校探》(Veronica Mars),《超人前传》(Smallville),《八卦天后》(Gossip Girl),《邪恶力量》(Supernatural)等等无一不是青春味十足,深受年轻人的欢迎。同时,他们的家庭题材电视剧也颇受欢迎,《人人都恨克里斯》(Everybody hatesChris),《格里摩尔女孩》(Gilmore Girls)都有不错的收视率。而主打真人秀《全美模特新秀大赛》(America"s Next Top Model)也成为FOX的《美国偶像》,ABC的《与星共舞》之后又一热门节目。


We"ve all heard about the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
We"ve all seen pictures and footages of the crisis.
The people of Haiti need our help. You may think you lack the resources to do any good.
We are here to tell you that every little bit counts.
Please visit CWTV.com for more information about the network for good. And how you can contribute to the relief efforts.
And believe us. You can contribute.
Lives depend on it.
Go to cwtv.com for more information on how you can make a differece.  



We are all aware of the devastation that has occured in Haiti.
What we are not aware of is how we can help.
Please visit CWTV.com to learn more about what we can do.
And believe us. You can contribute.
Human lives depend on us.
Go to cwtv.com for more information on how you can make a differece.



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