An everyday watch can pull double-duty as a compass 普通的手表可以用作指南针。First­, youll need a non-digital

An everyday watch can pull double-duty as a compass.

First­, you"ll need a non-digital watch in working condition and a sunny day. Hold your watch with the flat bottom parallel to the ground. Turn it, while keeping it parallel, until the hour hand is pointing in the direction of the sun.

If it"s morning, you"ll find south about halfway between the hour hand and twelve o"clock, clockwise. If it"s afternoon, south lies about halfway between the hour hand and twelve o"clock, counterclockwise. The technique isn"t 100 percent accurate, but it will give you enough of an approximation to make some informed choices about which way to go.

Shoelaces can serve a number of purposes -- whenever you might need rope or string, your shoelaces usually can do the job. You can use them to make a splint in case of injury. If you have a sharp object to use as a hook, a shoelace can make a decent fishing line. Tie sticks together to make a quick lean-to shelter or even a raft.

You can quickly build an emergency "poncho shelter" by using your shoelaces along with a tarp or rain poncho. Tie the laces together, stretch them between two tree trunks, tie them around and hang the plastic over, like a tent. You can then use some sharp sticks as tent stakes.

In fact, you might notice more people wearing sneakers and hiking boots on flights and boat rides so they"ll have access to this everyday survival accessory in case disaster strikes.

Humans can survive for quite a while without food but only a few days without water. Dehydration can lead to weakness, mental fatigue and eventually death. Finding water should be a priority during a survival situation. Use a soda can to collect and store rainwater. You can also find safe drinking water by collecting the morning dew from plants. Try soaking a cloth or sock in long, wet grasses or plants and then wringing that water into the can.

Soda can tabs can be fashioned into crude fishhooks. If you have a knife or rock, take out a small chunk to leave a sharp angle. Then, use your knife or rock to further sharpen the tab"s point. Attach it to a shoelace or a string, and you"ve got yourself a fishing line.

Sure, socks keep our feet warm and dry, but what else can they do? Socks can help collect and filter water, which, as we"ve learned, is crucial to survival. Socks won"t purify water, but filtering it through fabric can help remove the more visible sediment and creepy-crawlers. And if you"ve managed to build a fire, you can now boil the water, making it safer to drink.

Cotton socks can also provide you with a source of fire-starting tinder. Rub or pick off as much lint as you can. The resulting pile of fuzz will quickly catch a spark when you"re trying to light a fire.
棉布袜还可以提供点火用的火绒。尽可能抓下尽量多的棉绒和线头,然后只需一个火星,这一堆蓬松的东西就能烧起来。 冰天雪地,宅在家里学习 [沪江网校寒假班级推荐] 【2010.3中高级口译寒假班】 中级口译寒假班 沪上名师主讲,仅售288学币!
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