Whenever my kids had trouble juggling school, sports, social life and homework, I seldom thought abo能力提升英语阅读

Whenever my kids had trouble juggling school, sports, social life and homework, I seldom thought about sending them to bed earlier as a remedy.
That is where I went wrong, based on new research.
Sleep habits have emerged in several studies lately as a far bigger factor in school performance than most people previously believed. Quality and amount of sleep have a big effect on the grades of teenagers and college students, according to two studies reported in Time magazine earlier this year.
The way a kid sleeps can even shape grades in specific subjects, such as math, English and history, in different ways.
Readers, have you noticed a connection between your kids" sleep habits and their grades or emotional health?
Do you have any tips for enabling teenagers to get enough sleep?

"We discovered early with our son that it didn"t matter when he went to bed, he was just an early riser. If he didn"t get enough sleep, he"s not pleasant to be around, either. No brainer. He"s keeping his 8 p.m. bedtime for a while."
"More sleep and more exercise seem to cure most challenges around my house. Cranky kid -- earlier bedtime. Hormonal tween -- two hours" rock climbing + sleeping in late = happier girl. We work really hard to make sure our kids go to bed early. It makes a difference. But, it"s so hard -- homework, practice, dinner and playtime all need to be squeezed into a few post-school and work hours."

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