Step 1 Consider the Economy a Sign to Slow DownWhen the national economy reports are optimistic, it

Step 1 Consider the Economy a Sign to Slow Down

When the national economy reports are optimistic, it is easy to feel like you are serving your country by contributing to it. And you may feel like the economy needs you to help it thrive during the recession. Either way, shopping is not worth putting yourself into overwhelming debt, and there are ways to get what you need without going overboard.

If you tend to overspend, remind yourself about the economy and the need to be conservative. After all, you never know when a source of income could be cut off--and if it is, you want to make sure that you have enough money for the basics.

第一步 考虑到经济放缓


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Step 2 Identify Your Emotions

Whether you are mad, excited, happy, or just plain bored--these are all emotions that can trigger you to overspend. Before you set out to shop, think about how you are feeling. Often times, you may still be able to enjoy shopping if you set a limit for yourself. You can also go without your wallet and make the drive back if you feel you really want something. Overshopping cannot fill an emotional hole, even though it may seem like it does at the time.

Otherwise, avoid shopping due to these emotions, or you could be buying things you do not want, need--or even like!

第二步 识别你的情绪



Step 3 Think About Your Underlying Needs

If you are lonely, you may go shopping just to be around other people--maybe even talking to the cashier helps. This is the type of underlying need, that if you can identify, you can satisfy in another way. Once you think about the reasons why you shop, you can likely find other ways to satisfy those needs. Or maybe you can reallot money and spend it more smartly; if you get frustrated at work, hit the gym afterward instead of the mall. It"s much more beneficial!

第三步 想想你需要的背后



 Step 4 Utilize Alternatives

Once you identify the reasons for your shopaholicism and recognize the underlying needs, it"s time to start meeting those needs without a credit card. If you"re angry, work off your anger or resolve the issue instead of hitting Macy"s. If you are anxious, try taking a walk to calm down or do some journaling. These are wonderful alternatives that can help you break the overspending habit. You will be able to shop and regain your love of shopping--in a more healthy way--once you stop buying mindlessly.

第四步  利用替代品



Step 5 Connect With Others

Plenty of people overshop--there are about 17 million Americans that cannot resist the urge, according to studies. Similarly, there are tons of resources to help you connect with others to find support and identify ways to curb your spending. Visit a site like stoppingovershopping.com to help resist the urge .

第五步 与他人联系


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