科技是第一八卦力《绯闻女孩》中的高科数码《绯闻女孩》第三季的片场,希拉里·达芙以电影明星Olivia Burke的角色回归将在10月5日播出的名为“Dan de Fleurette”的剧情中,让我们对
gossip girl|Gossip Girl第三季戏中戏 上演暮色山寨版


《绯闻女孩》第三季的片场,希拉里·达芙以电影明星Olivia Burke的角色回归将在10月5日播出的名为“Dan de Fleurette”的剧情中,让我们对她这个角色有了更深入的了解。

达芙所扮演的角色被设定为Vanessa在纽约大学寝室的室友,正如下图所示,而Olivia通过Vanessa结识了Dan Humphrey,两人遂情投意合,两情相悦。但表面的平和之下有暗涌流动:Dan对于流行文化颇为不敏感,他并不知道他为之倾心的女孩儿正是大红大紫的某部类似于《暮色》那样吸血鬼电影的女主角。


《绯闻女孩》第三季惊爆剧情 某男要玩断背山?!

Hilary Duff joins the cast of Gossip Girl as movie star Olivia Burke for the Oct. 5 episode titled "Dan de Fleurette," and we have the exclusive first look at Duff in character on the set!

Duff"s character is assigned to be Vanessa"s (Jessica Szohr) roommate at NYU-their dorm room is the setting of the still above-and through Vanessa, Olivia gets to know Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley). Olivia becomes attracted to Dan, and vica versa. Of course, there"s a twist: Dan is so tuned out to pop culture that he doesn"t realize the girl he"s falling for is a huge movie star famous for her role in a Twilight-esque series of vampire movies.

Still, the two college kids manage to make their odd-couple pairing work, and cuteness ensues.


gossip girl|Gossip Girl第三季戏中戏 上演暮色山寨版


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