Selection 7SummerI am running down an alley with a atolen avocado, having climbed over a white bric
[朗文当代高级英语辞典]朗文高级英语阅读:selection 7

Selection 7

I am running down an alley with a atolen avocado, having climbed over a white brick fence and into the forbidden back yard of a carefully manicured estate at the corner of El Dorado and Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills, California. I have snatched a rock-hard Fuerte avocado from one of the three avocado trees near the fence. I have been told that many ferocious dogs patrol the grounds; they are killers, these dogs. I am defying them. They are nowhere to be found, except in my mind, and I’m out and gone and in the alley with their growls directing my imagination. I am running with fear and exhilaration, beginning a period of summer.
Emerging from the shield of the alley I cut out into the open. Summer is about running, and I am running, protected by distance from the dogs. At the corner of Crescent Drive and Lomitas I spot Bobby Tornitzer on a bike. I shout “Tornitzer!” He turns his head. His bike wobbles. An automobile moving rapidly catches Tornitzer’s back wheel. Tornitzer is thrown high into the air and onto the concrete sidewalk of Crescent Drive. The driver, a woman with gray hair, swirls from the car hysterically and hovers noisily over Tornitzer, who will not survive the accident. I hold the avocado to my chest and stand, frozen, across the street. I am shivering in the heat, and sink to my knees. It is approximately 3:30 in the afternoon. It is June 21,1946. In seven days I will be 8 years old.


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[朗文当代高级英语辞典]朗文高级英语阅读:selection 7


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