从模拟题开始: 日更新,有错大家纠,没错溜一溜; ======== TEST 1 PART C 11-13 ========11 Which of the following is true aho
从模拟题开始: 日更新,有错大家纠,没错溜一溜;

======== TEST 1 PART C 11-13 ========

11.Which of the following is true ahout Internet according to the talk?
[A] The Internet is different from television in that it"s more convenient.
[B] The [nternet may greatly affect the ways of college education and business.
[C] The lnternet is the cheapest way of communicating with other people.
[D] The Internet is composed of many computers.

12.What is the most common type of computer network used in companies?
[A] The databases of information.
[B] The public access networks.
[C] The supercomputer networks.
[D] Intranets,

13.According to the talk, the Internet has grown in
[A] the amount of information available on it.
[B] the number of internee societies.
[C] the profit it makes,
[D] the number of networks.


Good morning, everyone. Today I"ll talk about the Internet. The Internet is a com- puter-based worldwide information network. The Internet is composed of a large num- ber of smaller interconnected networks called internets, These internets may connect tens, hundreds, or thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with each other and to share various resources, such as powerful supereomputers and datahases of information. The Internet has made it possible for people over the world to effectively and inexpensively eommunicate with each other. Unlike traditional broadeasting media, such as radio and televisinn, the Internet is a decentralized system. Each connected individual can communicate with anyone else on the Internet, can publish ide- as, and can sell products with a minimum overhead cost. In the future, ".he Internet may have a dramatic impact on higher education and business as more universities offer cour- ses and more companies offer goods and services online.

The internets from which the Internet is composed are usualty public access net- works, meaning that the resources of the network can be shared with anyone logging onto, or accessing the network. Other types of internets, called intranets, are closed to public use. lntranets are the most common type of computer network used in cornpanie~ and organizations where it is important to restriet access to the information contained on the network.

During the I990s, the Internet has grown tremendously in the number of people using it and the amount of information contained on it. According to the Internet Society, a non-proflt society that studies and promotes the use of the Internet, 134 countries had full lnternet connection and an additional 52 countries had limited access ( for example. email only) in 1996. Some surveys found that as of September 1997 there were between 53 and 57 million users of the lnternet worldwide.

======== TEST 1 PART B ========

According to the sociologist, there is evidence that children may avoid certain careers because they have _____6____

In the survey, what the investigators wanted to get was the children"s ____7_____

Besides physicists, lawyers, engineers, sales representatives and estate agents, what other professions are also investigated? _____8____

]"he vast majority of children thought engineering was a ____9_____

When asked about how they imagined the engineer as a person, the majority of children chose ____10_____

Interviewer: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other peo-
ple have a wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort
of thing is very widespread?
Sociologist: Oh absolutely. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a
stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job
holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young
people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false
images. And certainly, there is evidenee that they may even avoid ear-
tale careers because they have a negative image.
Interviewer: Er, you say there"s evidence?
Sociologist: Oh most definitely. There was a survey recently into children"s atti
tudes to different professions.
Interviewer: How was that done though? Because, after all, children don"t know
much about the world of work before they get into it.
Sociologist: Well, exactly, What the investigators wanted to get st was their im-
pressions and their prejudices. They used a very simple technique.
They gave the children twelve pairs of statements. In each pair one
statement was positive, the other was its opposite.
Interviewer, For example?
Sociologist: Well, for example, "Such and such a person is likely to be boring or
interesting company. "
Interviewer: I see. What professions did they ask about?
Sociologist: (laughs) Do you want the whole list?
Interviewer: Well. why not?
Sociologist: OK. Here goes, They looked at: physicists, lawyers, engineers, sales
representatives, estate agents, economists, accountants and biolo-
Interviewer: And the results?
Sociologist : Well. they were rather striking concerning one profession in partieu
lar, the poor old engineer. Of all the jobs mentioned, he came out re-
ally much worse that you might expect. The vast majority of children
thought that engineering was a "dirty job". They also thought the job
was of "low status" and "subordinate"; that is the engineer is more
likely to take orders that to gave them. Oh, and insecure too. But, I
must say there were good points too, Engineering was seen to be "in-
teresting, well paid" work.
Interviewer, Hmm, not such a rosy picture, really.
Sociologist: No... but it got better when the children were asked about how they imagined the engineer as a person. The majorty of the children chose positive comments, except that they thought the engineer was likely to be badly rather than well dressed.

======== TEST 1 PART A ========

1: Year of Birth ____1_____
2: Year of Death _____2____
3: Field of Researh _____3_____
4: Experiment on Training Conducted (Year) _____4_____
Psychology First Published (Year) 1938
5: His Description of His View _____5_____

Robert Sessions Woodworth, who was born in 1869 and died in 1962, had a longlife and a long, distinguished career in psychology. He collaborated early on a book in physiological psychology with Lad, and later produced his own editions. In 1901 he and Thorndike performed a famous experiment on transfer of training, defeating the educational philosophy of formal discipline, by demonstrating that mental skills are not,like muscles, strengthened by training, but that it is only identical elements that are transferred from one learning activity to another. Woodworth also wrote a widely read history of psychology, that is Contemporary Schools of Psychology, which he revised later and which came out in a third edition, with Mary Sheehan"s eoauthorship, shortly after Woodworth"s death. His Experimental Psychology, first published in 1938, proved to be the standard text in its field for several decades until it was largely replaced by Charles E. Osgood"s almost equally monumental book in the same field in the early 1950s.

In much of his work, Woodworth"s functional orientation led him to what he calleda dynamic view, which emphasized the importance of motivation in the understanding of behavior. His systematic book, Dynamic Psychology, published late in his career, was a fitting capstone to his many contributions to his discipline. He was active to the end.

相关热点: 品牌听力 英语听力 希拉里之声:在纽约大学的演讲



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