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FBI warned election candidates of hacking

By Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington 2008-11-07
英国《金融时报》季米特里•斯瓦斯托普洛(Demetri Sevastopulo)华盛顿报道 2008-11-07

The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned both Barack Obama"s and John McCain"s campaign teams that their computer network had been hacked into by a foreign organisation during the presidential contest.

美国联邦调查局(FBI)曾向巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)的竞选团队发出警告,总统竞选期间,他们的电脑网络被一家外国组织的黑客侵入过。

The hacking was serious and sustained and saw a significant amount of information downloaded from the campaign network, which the security agencies believed was sought by a foreign entity seeking to know more about the contenders" policy positions.

Details of the incident were revealed by a Newsweek reporting team that enjoyed behind-the-scenes access to both campaigns on condition that nothing was published until after polling day.


Federal Bureau of Investigation and Secret Service agents informed the Obama team of the cyberattack this summer. The McCain campaign was also similarly attacked.

今年夏季,联邦调查局和特勤局(Secret Service)的特工通知奥巴马的竞选团队,他们遇到了网络袭击。麦凯恩的竞选团队也了遭遇了类似"攻击"。

"You have been a problem way bigger than what you understand," the agents reportedly warned the Obama campaign. "You have been compromised and a serious amount of files have been loaded off your system."


Newsweek said the problem prompted Josh Bolten, White House chief of staff, to call David Plouffe, Mr Obama"s campaign manager, and say: "You have a real problem...you have to deal with it."

《新闻周刊》称,这一问题促使白宫办公室主任乔希·博尔顿(Josh Bolten)打电话给奥巴马竞选经理大卫•普劳夫(David Plouffe),并表示:"你们有一个真正的问题......你们必须进行处理。"

Dana Perino, White House press secretary, declined to comment.

白宫新闻秘书达娜·佩里诺(Dana Perino)拒绝置评。

Richard Kolko, FBI spokesman, and Russ Knocke, spokesman for the Homeland Security Department, said they had no information on the attack.

联邦调查局发言人理查德·库克(Richard Kolko)和国土安全部发言人鲁斯·诺克(Russ Knocke)表示,他们没有获得有关(黑客)袭击的信息。

Spokespeople for both campaigns did not respond to questions.


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