新华网东京9月1日电(记者刘赞)日本首相福田康夫在1日晚举行的记者会上宣布辞职。福田说,他认为应在新的领导体制下实现政策目标,他选择现在辞职,是因为目前是最好的时机,不会造成政治空白。 福田是去年9



TOKYO, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda announced his decision to resign Monday.

At a hastily-summoned press conference at the prime minister"s official residence in the evening, Fukuda said he met a lot of difficulties in his term and called for a new framework to implement policies.

The prime minister, who has been beset by sluggish support rate, said he made the decision to resign over the weekend and believed that now is the best time to resign to avoid a political vacuum.

In retrospect, Fukuda said he stepped into power in the very tough situation of the opposition bloc"s control of the Upper House of the Diet and has been plagued by scandals such as party members" misuse of political funds and government agency"s loss of huge number of pension records since the first day of his term.

Fukuda said he has implemented reforms with modest and pragmatic manner, setting direction for the future. To better deal with the severe economic situation, he reshuffled the Cabinet in early August and publicized a set of comprehensive economic policies last week.

Fukuda expressed his confidence that his work in the past year will be a strong basis for future significant progress.

Fukuda said his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will hold a party presidential election to pick his successor.

Fukuda"s abrupt resignation sent shockwaves across the nation. The opposition bloc and business associations criticized that it"s irresponsible for Fukuda to resign shortly prior to the upcoming extraordinary Diet session.

According to Japanese law, the ruling party"s president will naturally become leader of the government.

Fukuda was elected president of the LDP and assumed the post of prime minister last September.

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