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云视听|【视听百宝箱】VOL.4 时装界新革命:骨感美人将无缘T台?

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VOL.4 时装界新革命:骨感美人将无缘T台? (From CBS Video)



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2、Do you think the ban against ultra-thin models will affect the current trend of fashion? Why? (选做,中英文回答均可。参与讨论额外奖励50HY)
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There"s nothing average about the average fashion model. A lot more women wear a size 12 than a size 2. Now, with the big New York Fashion Shows coming up, there"s new attention to the idea that models can"t be too thin. Early Show national correspondent Tracy Smith has the "skinny".

In an industry where trends change so fast that leave you spinning, thin has been "in" for decades. But for many models, it"s hardly the perfect fit.

"_________1__________" Model Christine Alt used to try to squeeze herself into smaller sizes. "_________1__________"

But in September, attitudes seem to be changing. Organizers of Madrid"s Fashion Week banned models who didn"t have a body mass index - a measure of body fat based on height and weight - above 18. That means Kate Moss wouldn"t make the cut. Giselle probably wouldn"t, either.

Nutritionists like Samantha Heller applauded the move. "To be as thin as many of these women and girls are, they really have to restrict their calories a lot and it is not a natural or a healthy thing to do."

But some thought the underweight ban was overblown. "Clothes look better on younger, thinner, taller people. It"s very simple."

In November, an 88-pound Brazilian model died of anorexia. In December, Milan announced a ban against ultra-thin models, too. __________2_________

This week, the Council of Fashion Designers of America is expected to recommend that designers schedule shoots during daylight hours so models can get sleep, provide healthier backstage catering, and identify models with eating disorders.

"I think these are completely ridiculous. Models getting more sleep is a great idea. If they"re anorexic, they"re not gonna eat healthier food at the service table, anyway. And who is going to be the one identifying the people that have eating disorders? You need specialists and experts to do that."

_______3________ For The Early Show, Tracy Smith, CBS News, New York.

Some designers say it is up to the consumers to say they do not want to see super-skinny models.


Kate Moss:凯特·摩斯,被称为“跨越了好几个超模时代“的世界超模,以瘦骨嶙峋的颓废感成为时尚届的宠儿。


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云视听|【视听百宝箱】VOL.4 时装界新革命:骨感美人将无缘T台?


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