大学英语(本)复习大纲一、Matching(配对)Directions: Mach the words in ColumnⅠwith us corresponding meaning In Colum[db:cate]



Directions: Mach the words in Columnwith us corresponding meaning In Column

. Put the correct answer in front of each word in Column.

Column I Column

1. Potential a. 技术,技巧(3)

2. object b.安全(5)

3.technique c.质量,品质,特性(7)

4. Inexact d.潜在的.可能的(1)

5. Security e.魔术的(9)

6. Ancestor f. 反对,不赞成(2)

7. Quality g. 酸的;酸性物质(10)

8. Tribe h. 祖先,祖宗(6)

9. Magic i. 部落(8)

10. Acid j.不正确的,不精确的(4)

二、Vocabulary and Structure (词汇和结构)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there

are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best

completes the sentence

1. They are not afraid to repeat___c _they hear or to say strange things.

A. what B. that C. whether D. while

2.In Iran courting is more serious, and is__ D__strictly for the purpose of marriage.

A. stated B. attracted C. excited D. performed

3.Insects, although a(n)__B__to farmers, provide food for birds.

A. nonsense B. nuisance C. substance D. acceptance

4. Not knowing her telephone number, we couldn"t get in__A_ _with her.

A. touch B. limit C. report D. remarks

5. Beautiful swans left__C_ _did the tourists.

A. when B. once C. as D. since

6. One of the first acts to counter pollution was the Clean Air Act,__A__ opened the

way to smokeless zones in large towns and cities.

A. which B. who C. that D. it

7. For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often__C__ during their

first four minutes together arise they have been apart.

A. rise B. arouse C. arise D. raise

8.Their gross error in judgment, they rehired the old keeper of the spring c

A. Realize B. Realizing C. To realize D. Being realized

9. She continues to stay at her own home receiving__a_ from her mother on how to

be a good wife and mother.

A. instructions B. feelings C. reports D. drawings

10.A person"s appearance makes a_d___ in how others judge him.

A. badge B. type C. position D. difference

1l. Never become__d__ with the seeming smallness of your task, job. or life.

A completed B. contended C. recognized D. discouraged

12. After Tom passed his driving test he filled___A_an application for his driver"s


A. out B. with C. on D. off

13.A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream when __A__at the same meal form a

Poisonous combination

A. eaten B. eating C. eats D, has eaten

14. You can __C__money in a savings account, and the bank will pay you interest

A. withdraw B, deposit C. get D. attain

15. Success in life depends mainly on__C__ we get along with other people.

A, which B. what C. how D. why

16. The bride and groom stand together in front of the religious leader__A__. .

A. to be married B, to marry C. be married D. marry

17. Don"t give the baby meant to eat because he cannot___ D_it.

A. use B. approach C. confine D. digest

18. By early autumn, the trees began to _C their leaves.

A. share B. shift C. shed D. sharp

19.We can become__C __to any changes we choose to make in our personality.

A. covered B. fixed C, .accustomed D. enclosed

20. When we__ A__to new people, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident.

A. are introduced B. used C. provided D. admitted

21. He is related __D__ me by blood.

·A.up B.for C.off D.to

22.Some families have long histories, _B___ others know little about their ancestors.

·A. As B. while C.which D.that

23.All human beings are much more ___C_____ than animals.


24.The gate is the only __A__ to the school.

·A.way B.method C.means D.reply

25 .The old car ground to a _A___ in front of the house.


三、Completion (选词填空)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. make

changes when necessary.

think of fall in love used to grew up

talking of dispense with as a substitute for

1.This platform would serve as______ a port and railway station.

2.She knew that her love was impossible but she knew also that it wasbeyond control____.

3.It is natural that he should_ fall in love ______ _with such a beautiful girl.

4.Don´t you think it a good idea to use plastic_ as a substitute forwood.

5.Many people_____ talking of ___ bread, for example, as a carbohydrate food.

6.A close friendship gradually___ grew up _____ between them.

7.We shall have to____ as a substitute for ___ _the car; we can´t afford it.

8.Eat more fruit: it will___ fall in love _____.

9.____ talking of ____travel, have you ever been to the United States?

10.My parents____ used to ___ _live in South America and I would fly there Europe in the holiday

四、Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)

Directions: There are two passages, Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C

and D. You should decide on the best choice.


The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much

from it.

US researchers say that, unless you have superior relationship skills, your hopes of

cozy coupledom(温馨的伴侣关系) are likely to be dashed. Far better, they say, to aim

low to ensure you are not disappointed, and the key to keeping that newly-wed

glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.

The study, by researchers from Ohio and Florida Universities, looked at 82

couples. They quizzed all the spouses independently over four year.

Their study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found

those who believed their partner would be unfailingly kind, loving and agree with their

every word, could retain their positive outlook by being forgiving, and having

generous explanations for their partner"s negative behavior. However, those with high

expectations but without those relationship skills are likely to be brought down to

earth fairly quickly as their Prince or Princess Charming falls off their pedestal(墓座).

In contrast, the researchers say holding a more realistic view of your loved one means you are less likely to be disappointed, and therefore more satisfied with your marriage.

Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers led by James McNulty, professor of psychology at Ohio University, said:In contrast to the idea that expectations in the early years of marriage exert main efforts on satisfaction, the current findings suggest that the effects of expectations interact with the skills partners bring to their relationships.

Previous research found that people tend to select partners of different personality and will be able to maintain a stable relationship. The finding of the present study contradicts attract. It suggests people looking for longterm relationship should select partners who were similar to themselves, rather than seeking out the highest quality partner available.

1.Researchers from Ohio and Florida University have found that people who are satisfied with their partner___B______.

A. are wise people B. are forgiving people

C. agree with every word of their partner D. won"t let their partner commit any mistake

2. The phrase "be brought down to earth" in Paragraph 4 means_C_______.

A. came to face the reality B. fell down on earth

C. came to divorce D. be abandoned

3. What old belief does the finding of the research contradict?B

A. People alike will attract each other.

B. People with different professions may deal with each other well.

C. People with different personalities may maintain a stable relationship.

D. People with high quality cannot get along with each other.

4. According to the study mentioned in the passage, which of the following factors

plays the most important role in a successful marriage?D

A. Realistic expectation. B. High expectation.

C. Romance. D. Similarity between the partners.

5. Before the James-McNulty research, what did people think of the role of high

expectation in marriage?C

A. It will ensure the romance of a marriage.

B. It would encourage the couples to work hard.

C. It would interact with the skills partners bring to their relationships.

D. It would exert main effects on satisfaction.

Passage 2

ry. First, you may cover up-with loose, cool clothing to keep the sun off your skin. Wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim, and sunglasses. Then you can use a sunscreen(防晒霜)on any exposed skin. Use it an hour before going outside and reapply it frequently and generously. Don´t forget to seek shade, especially during the hottest part of the day, from 11 am to 3 pm.

Special care should be taken to protect children since they enjoy playing outdoors, so it is easily for them to get sun burnt. And statistics indicate that sunburn during childhood can lead to skin cancer later in life. People with pale skin, fair or red hair are more likely to develop skin cancer, but it doesn´t mean that brown or black skinned people don´t have to take care.

Besides skin cancer, the sun also causes thickening of the skin, which leads to premature ageing and wrinkles. Too much sun can also cause heat exhaustion, skin irritation and sunstroke, especially in the young. Therefore, there is really nothing healthy about a suntan. Your skin darkens because it has been damaged.

1.Skin cancer is mostly caused by________.

A. atomic radiation B. ultraviolet rays

C. hot weather D. Polluted air

2.Which is NOT advisable to protest yourself from sunburn?

A. Shutting yourself up in the house during summer time.

B. Dressing yourself in loose clothing when you go out.

C. Applying sunscreen to your bare skin.

D. Wearing a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses in the sun.

3. Who will get sun burnt more easily according to the passage?

A. People with brown skin and brown hair.

B. People with dark skin and dark hair.

C. People with fair skin and golden hair.

D. People with tanned skin and gray hair.

4. Over exposure to the sun may result in all the following EXCEPT________.

A. coarse skin B. skin irritation C. wrinkled skin D. day skin

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Suntan is suitable only for young people with healthy skin.

B. Sunstroke is another cause of skin cancer in the young.

C. Influence of sunburn may appear years later in your life.

D. Special care should be taken of children because their skin is paler than the grown-ups.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 你永远都不要指望他准时到达。(depend on)

You can never expect him to arrive on time. 

2. 经理建议我们坐火车去。(suggest)

The manager suggested that we should go by train

3. 我现在无法付账,请以后在向我要账。(pay; bill)

I can"t pay the bill now, please ask me for it later

4. 现在不是谈论那事儿的时候。(time, talk about)

Now is not the time to talk about that.

5.女性比男性有优势。(have an advantage over)

Women have an advantage over men.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. Tom resembles his father in many ways.


2. It is a great enjoyment to spend our holiday in the mountains


3. In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.


4. Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work.


5. The key to passing College English Test Band -4 is believing that hard work will make a difference.




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