A British train station has erected a no kissing sign to stop lovers going full steam ahead with t[db:cate]

  A British train station has erected a no kissing sign to stop lovers going full steam ahead with their over-amorous farewells.


  Commuters have been told: if you want to get up to that kind of business, do it in the car park.

  车站规定:如果你想 那个 ,请去停车场。

  The sign has gone up at the drop-off point at Warrington Bank Quay station in the town of Warrington, between Liverpool and Manchester in northwest England.

  位于英格兰西北部沃灵顿的Bank Quay车站最近在落客区张贴了这个 禁吻 标识。沃灵顿位于利物浦和曼彻斯特之间。

  A man in a hat and a woman with a curly-looking hair do puckering up show people where they must not indulge in full-on lip -locking.


  A similar sign, this time permitting kissing, has been erected else where in a zone where smooching is considered tolerable,


  We have not banned kissing in the station, said a spokesman for operators Virgin Rail.



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