(1) A goose lives in the little house A goat lives in the bigger house A girl lives in the biggest


(1) A goose lives in the little house. A goat lives in the bigger house. A girl lives in the biggest house.一只鹅住在小房子里。一只山羊住在比较大的房子里。一个小女孩住在最大的房子里。

(2) The goose loses a feather. She looks all over her house for it. It"s not there.鹅掉了一根羽毛。她找遍了她房子的每一个角落。可是都没有找到。

(3) The goose tells the goat about the lost feather. They look all over the goat"s house for it. It"s not there.鹅把事情告诉了山羊。他们找遍了山羊家的每一个角落。可是也没有找到。

(4) The goose and the goat tell the girl about the lost feather.鹅和山羊把事情告诉了小女孩。

(5) The goose and the goat look all over her house. The girl makes a sign. It reads: Lost one feather. If found, please return it to goose.鹅和山羊在她的房子里到处找啊找。小女孩做了一个指示牌。上面写着:丢失了一根羽毛。如果你发现了,请还给鹅。

(6) "You are writing with a feather," says the goat.“你正用一根羽毛写字呢,”山羊说。

(7) "You are right," says the girl. She gives the feather to the goose.“你说对了,”小女孩说。她把羽毛还给了鹅。

(8) Now everyone is happy.现在皆大欢喜了。

相关热点: 英语翻译 小学英语学习 英语双语阅读 有效英文


