Photo: Wu Juping smiles at her own son in a hospital, after she saved a 2-year-old girl 照片中,吴菊萍在医院中对能力提升英语词汇

Photo: Wu Juping smiles at her own son in a hospital, after she saved a 2-year-old girl.照片中,吴菊萍在医院中对着她2岁的儿子微笑。

Wu Juping – a 32-year-old woman who happened to just be walking about in Hangzhou, China – managed to catch a baby girl who fell out of a window from ten floors up. Now that"s luck.日前,在杭州,一名女童从10楼坠落,恰巧楼下一名32岁的女士路过,奋不顾身地冲上前去,用双手接住女童。

Apparently, the two-year old girl, Niu, managed to fall out of the window when the girl"s grandmother disappeared to take care of some errands. 这名叫妞妞的女童今年2岁,妞妞是在奶奶出门办事后,不慎爬出窗,跌落的。

Neighbors saw what was happening, but were unable to prevent the toddler from falling out. Wu Juping caught the baby “bare-handed,” but also broke her arm in the process.邻居们目睹了妞妞的情况,却无力阻止。而恰巧路过的吴菊萍,下意识地徒手抓住了掉下的女孩!

Still, the act absorbed most of the fall"s impact, which would have severely harmed Niu.吴菊萍在这次惊心动魄的事件中手臂骨折。而吴菊萍的动作缓冲了妞妞坠落的压力,使得伤害降低了很多。

"I did it out of a mother"s instinct," Wu told to the journalist.“我做了一个母亲应该做的”,吴菊萍接受采访时这么说道。

The little girl in question is now in the emergency room, but doctors say she may suffer from internal bleeding. Still, the doctor in charge noted that, “It"s a miracle that Niu survived the accident.”妞妞目前仍在医院接受治疗,医生说,“她可能有经历内出血。但是,值得庆幸的是,妞妞得救了!”






例句:This one is the bare-bones model. It has no accessories at all.这是最基本的模型。没有其他的附件。

2.bare one"s head:脱帽致敬。

例句:Bare your head when the flag is raised.当旗子升起时请脱帽致敬。

3.bare the soul:诉衷肠。

例句:Mary bared her soul to Jane and Jane told Mary her problems also.玛丽和简互诉衷肠。

4.with bare hands:赤手空拳,空手的。

例句:I beat him with my bare hands。我赤手空拳地打了他。

5.bare one"s teeth:呲牙瞪眼(发怒前的神态)

例句:His refusal to accept my offer made it clear I"d have to bare my teeth。他拒绝了我的要求,我气的呲牙瞪眼。

相关热点: 翻译技巧



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