Trial 审判1 A case is only authority for what it actually decides 判例只能用作实际判决事项的法律依据。2 A judgment msut生活实用行业英语
英语基础口语1000句_法律英语基础句子:Trial 审判


Trial 审判

1.A case is only authority for what it actually decides.判例只能用作实际判决事项的法律依据。

2.A judgment msut be impartial. 判决必须公正。

3.All legal systems have a rule that a judicial determination of a case is final.所有法律制度的规则都是将司法判作为最终手段。

4.Before trial the defendant may move to dismiss the case on the ground that the facts alleged do not constitute a crime. 审判前,被告方可以所控事实不构成犯罪为自由权,要求撤销案件。

5.Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place everyday.审判永无终止,每天都在发生。

6.He was acquitted of the crime. 他被宣判无罪。

7.He was committed for trial in the Central Criminal Court. 他被带到中央刑事法院受审。

8.He was sentenced to five years, but should serve only three with remission.他被判了五年徒刑,但减刑后仅服刑三年。

9.He was sentenced to two periods of years in prison, the sentences to run concurrently.他被判处两个两年的徒刑,该判决合执行。

10.He was tried for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. 他因谋杀而受审并被判处终生监禁。

11.Judgment was entered for the plaintiff. 判决原告胜诉。

12.Now the court is in session. 现在开庭。

13.Order in the court. 法庭内保持肃静。

14.She was awarded substantial damages.她被判给予巨额损害赔偿金。

15.The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties. 判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。

16.The case is listed to heard next week. 该案已被安排在下周审理。

17.The clerk to the justices read out the indictment. 书记员宣读了刑事起诉书。

18.The case has been stood over to next week. 案子的审理被推迟到下个星期进行。

19.The court adjourned for a ten-minute break.休庭10分钟。

20.The hearing proceeded after the protesters were removed from the courtroom. 抗议者被逐出法庭后审理继续进行。

21.The hearings were held in camera.审判秘密进行。

22.The hearing was held up while counsel argued over procedural problems. 当律师分争论程序问题时,审理被停止。

23.The offence carries a maximum sentence of two year"s imprisonment. 该罪行可最多可判处两年监禁。

24.The power to hear cases is called jurisdiction. 审理案件的权力称为审判权。

25.The trial lasted six days.审判延续了六天。

26.The trial took place in the absence of the defendant. 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。

27.The clerk of the court read out the charges. 书记员宣读了控告书。

28.The objective of the pre-trial hearing is to shorten the actual trial time without infringing upon the rights of either party. 预审程序的目的在于缩短实际审理的时间而不侵犯双方当事人的权利。

29.They all stood up when the judges entered the courtroom. 当法官进入法庭进他们全部起立。

30.To give him a fair and impartial hearing is of great importance. 让他获得公下和无偏见的审理是很重要的。

相关热点: 行业英语学习 英语翻译 法律英语学习网站 雅思听力练习

英语基础口语1000句_法律英语基础句子:Trial 审判

