[花花连连看原版]看原版童书学英语:晚安 月亮

●入选美国全国教育协会“孩子们推荐的100本书”(Kids" Top 100 Books NEA)
●入选美国收录12部最伟大的图画书的《经典图画书宝库》(Treasury Picture Book Classics)




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小编注:别只记得手套是glove,还有这种可爱的连指手套。学英语的过程中,如果我们对两个英语单词的中文解释不能区分的话,不妨看看英文解释,比如小D上对于mitten就这么写道:“glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together”。


小编注:英语中还有一种象声词对我们来说是不容易掌握的,比如“(表示肃静的)嘘!”。对了,《Hush,little baby》可是一首非常动听的儿歌,Hush,little baby,don"t say a word,mama"s going to buy you a mockingbird......这个哄哄小宝宝入眠特别管用。



* the hands on the two clocks progress from 7 PM to 8:10 PM.两只时钟的时间是随着故事情节逐步从晚上7点增加到8:10。

* the young mouse and kittens wander around the room. The mouse is present in all pages showing the room.小老鼠和小猫在房间里溜达,而每一幅展示房间的页面上都有小老鼠的足迹。

* the red balloon hanging over the bed disappears in several of the color plates, then reappears at the end.挂在床边的红气球曾经在一些页面上消失过,而最后又重新出现。

* the room lighting grows progressively darker.房间的光线是逐渐变暗的。

* the moon rises in the left-hand window.月亮是在左边的窗口升起。

* the socks disappear from the drying rack.有一页图片上面的干燥架上没有袜子。

* the open book in the bookshelf is The Runaway Bunny.书架上打开的书是《逃家小兔》。

* the book on the nightstand is Goodnight Moon.床头书桌上的书是《晚安 月亮》。

* in the painting of the cow jumping over the moon, the mailbox in the right-hand side of the painting occasionally disappears.奶牛跨过月亮的图中,右边的邮箱时隐时现。

* in the painting of the three bears, the painting hanging in the bears" room is a painting of a cow jumping over the moon.三只小熊的那幅画中,挂在小熊房间的画是那张正在跨过月亮的母牛。

* the painting of the fly-fishing bunny, which appears only in two color plates, appears to be black and white (or otherwise devoid of color). It is very similar to a picture in the book "The Runaway Bunny".总共两页上面有用苍蝇钓鱼的小兔的画,画面是黑白的,看起来像是有意回避彩色。这个小兔就像《逃家小兔》中的小兔。

* the number of books in the bookshelf changes.书架上书的数目是变化的。

* the pendulum of the bedside clock disappears in the final room scene.床边时钟的钟摆在最后的房间场景中消失了。

* the stripes on the bunny"s shirt change.兔子衣服上条纹是变化的。

* in the last page the word bunny is gone off the brush.最后一页的刷子上没了单词bunny。

相关热点: 英语学习资料 迪士尼动画学英语 幼儿英语 动词的时态

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