New Year Party Games——Here are some games you can play during the New Year Party: Musical Chair 抢椅子T

New Year Party Games——Here are some games you can play during the New Year Party:

Musical Chair 抢椅子
This is the oldest game played in every ceremony and festival. Some chairs are arranged less than the number of people, a short snippet of music is played while the people move around these chairs. Those playing the game move around the chair. When the music stops everyone tries to sit on a vacant chair. The person who doesn"t find a chair is "out". Similarly, one chair is taken out after every round. Person who is left at the end of the game is declared the winner.

My Resolution 猜猜这是谁的新年计划
This game can be played by 4 or more players. Make your guest write his or her own 5 resolutions, each on a slip of paper. Pull one slip of paper out of a hat at a time and read it out loud. Everyone has to write down on another sheet of paper who they think made each resolution. At the end of the readings, the person who guessed the most correctly wins a prize. Talk about some of the wrong guesses out loud for fun!

The Grouping Game 抱团游戏
It starts out as everyone collects in one big group.

The leader initially calls out a number, usually a number between two and fifteen. The number shouldn"t be more than half of the number of total participants. When the number is called out everyone must try to collect in a group that contains that number of people. The group members should be latching arms or have their arms wrapped around each other so that the leader can see who is in the group. If someone cannot enter a group because the number of required members has been reached, he is out of the game. As different numbers are successively called out the number of participants gets smaller and smaller. Eventually, there are less than ten people. The last group, or winning group, should be anywhere from two to five people.

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