The survey, of 2,000 investors world-wide with investible assets of more than 0,000, showed that 75%能力提升英语阅读

The survey, of 2,000 investors world-wide with investible assets of more than 0,000, showed that 75% of respondents felt residential real estate looks attractive from aninvestment perspective. Of course, that doesn"t mean they are buying: 60% said tight credit was preventing them from taking the plunge.

About half of the respondents expect an increase in the value of the irreal-estate investments over the next two years. Almost 40% ofthose with assets of million or more have greater than 50% of their portfolio in real estate (so much for lessons learned).

Perhaps the most interesting part of the survey relates to gender. Almost half(49%) of the women surveyed consider real estate to be a less risky investment than stocks, compared with 37% of men。

Women also are more likely to enjoy investing in real estate than men: 44% of women surveyed find buying property more enjoyable than investingin other asset classes. Only 28% of men feel the same way. While34% of men are likely to invest in real estate indirectly through a fund, only 14% of women would prefer this approach。

I"m going to avoid stereotyping and put the question to readers: Why do you think that women like real estate more then men?

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