沪江英乐独家专稿  上周六的决赛之夜,在数百万观众的欢呼声中,年仅20岁的Alexandra Burke获得了英国热门选秀节目《The X Factor》2008年度的总冠军,同时这也为她赢得了价值

沪江英乐独家专稿  上周六的决赛之夜,在数百万观众的欢呼声中,年仅20岁的Alexandra Burke获得了英国热门选秀节目《The X Factor》2008年度的总冠军,同时这也为她赢得了价值100万英镑的唱片合约,比赛结束后Alexandra Burke的首支单曲《Hallelujah》已经发行并供下载。

在以微弱优势战胜四人合唱团体JLS后,这位20岁歌手的声音被泪水掩埋,激动得说不出话来。来自北爱尔兰16岁的Eoghan Quigg获得比赛第三名。当表演完参赛曲目《Hallelujah》后,这位新晋冠军说到:“感谢在座的各位,是你们使我梦想成真!”在最后的总决赛中,Alexandra Burke的每轮比赛都是最后一位出场,她的表演曲目有《Silent Night》、与美国歌手Beyonce 听歌 合唱的《Listen》,在节目第一部分结束前,Alexandra Burke演唱了《You Are So Beautiful》。 

2007年《The X Factor》冠军:Leon Jackson
2006年《The X Factor》冠军:Leona Lewis
2005年《The X Factor》冠军:Shayne Ward

>>冠军单曲:X Factor选手翻唱经典老歌 Hero
>>LIVE:布兰妮火辣现身英国热门选秀节目X Factor现场

X-Factor winner Alexandra Burke,the 20-year-old singer, won a £1 million recording contract after wowing millions of viewers during Saturday night"s final, has released her debut single Hallelujah for download.

The 20-year-old singer broke down in tears and could barely speak after edging out four-piece vocal group JLS. Northern Irish teenager Eoghan Quigg came third. After performing Hallelujah, the newly-crowned winner said: "Thank you for making my dreams come true everyone. Burke was the final performer in each round of songs. She sang Silent Night, and US star Beyonce then joined her to sing Listen, before concluding the first part of the programme with You Are So Beautiful.

2008 The X Factor 冠军Alexandra Burke比赛现场图集:

比赛现场视频:Alexandra Burke献唱获胜单曲《Hallelujah》

>" height=159 src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn//doc/200812/run_6271.jpg" width=480 border=0>


